目前分類:~Sharing 分享 (411)
- Aug 11 Fri 2006 09:24
FW: Are you over your ex ?
- Aug 10 Thu 2006 22:48
a rebound relationship is bad ??????
Take it Slow ... am I in a rebound relationship ????
" As Frank Sinatra once sang, "Nice and easy does it. " The best thing to do with having a rebound relationship -- and all -- relationships is take it slow at the beginning. I know, It's REALLY hard to do. But if you take it slowly, you'll find out soon enough whether or not he wants to be in a long term relationship.
- Jun 15 Thu 2006 23:19
Going to Finland
I haven't even left for my trip in July yet ,and here, I have already made my travelling plan for this winter ... going to Bali with a friend in the winter .... Busy busy Tanya .... but so far , I have started doing things that I have always wanted ... ever since my break up ... Hooray!!
- Jun 14 Wed 2006 23:27
重視生命中的每一刻 Thousands of Moments Every Day
According to Nobel Prize-Winning scientist Daniel Kahneman, we experience approximately 20,000 individual moments in a waking day .Each " Moment" lasts a few seconds. And rarely does a neutral encounter stay in your mind -- the momorable moments are almost always positive or negative . In some cases, a single encounter can change your life forever .
- Jun 14 Wed 2006 14:44
One of my favorite lines in the movie
- Jun 08 Thu 2006 14:37
Our Negative Culture - (2) 報憂不報喜的負面文化 (下)
- May 29 Mon 2006 20:12
Our Negative Culture 報憂不報喜的負面文化
Our Negative Culture 報憂不報喜的負面文化 ~ From ” How full is your bucket “
Most of us want more positive emotions in our lives.
Unfortunately, wanting a more positive environment isn’t enough. Most of us have grown up in a culture in which it’s much easier to tell people what they did wrong instead of praising them when they succeed.
- May 26 Fri 2006 11:19
men are not good at giving compliments
Sometimes I think that men are not good at giving compliments ...especially when we talk aout fashion . This morning while I was busy picking something to wear in my closet ... I found a top ( actually I am wearing it today ) I bought last year ..and I had only worn it once ...why ? because my ex boyfriend said to me as soon as he saw this top .. " you look like a pregnant woman " so I never wore it again .....
- May 26 Fri 2006 00:05
A book that has helped me a lot ~ 好書推薦
你用什麼樣的眼光看待孩子 孩子便將成為什麼樣的人
The Pygmalion Effect - treat the child not the way he is, but the way you want him to be
the difference between a lady and a flower girl is not how she behaves, but how she's treated
一位淑女及賣花女孩的差別 不是她的行為表現 而是她如何被對待
- May 25 Thu 2006 16:28
11. Women who don’t like receiving oral sex 不喜歡接受口交的女人
- May 23 Tue 2006 10:57
Men's Top Twenty Sexual Turn-offs 立刻讓男人失去"性"趣的20種女人( 1~10 )
Saw this in the magazine and a similar one in a book I was reading yesterday .... quite amusing , but before Tanya typing it down ... (there is a lot to type .... going to take me some time , but quite busy today ) ,
So, my darling , men or women , as long as you are not under 18 ... , why don't you take a guess what the top 20 turn-offs could be ?? They say women are picky but I think men could be more critical than women
- May 22 Mon 2006 10:40
you can't help a man when~
A friend I met recently told me her story about her relationship with her husband …..
All I can say is … men are men , is not about cultural differences…. Here I share with you something I read recently , I don’t agree with everything it says here, but you can read it as reference.
There is a point in a relationship where you want to give your partner the benefit of the doubt, and do everything you can to be patient , and make him feel safe to go through his own process. And unfortunately, there is a point in some relationship where you need to admit to yourself that your partner just isn’t going to change , and no matter ho much you are willing to help, it’s not doing any good .
- May 19 Fri 2006 10:45
One of my favorite quotes ~
- May 18 Thu 2006 21:41
We want love , he gives you logic .
Have you ever had a problem , felt like you needed your man to comfort or love you ,and when you reached out for help, had him give you a lecture or advice instead ? (Tanya has had this painful experience , at that time I didn’t know what I wanted though but was fuming with rage ….and thinking why would a British guy like him be so self righteous and nagging )
- May 18 Thu 2006 11:21
Interesting views on relationship
I got it from someone's blog ..think it's quite interesting
- May 16 Tue 2006 15:23
Are we Moody ?? 女人真的是情緒化嗎 ? or just we are SMARTER than you guys ?
男人經常將女人的多愁善感視為一種歇斯底里症 並且認定女人一但開始情緒化 便會沒完沒了
男人不明白女人比他們更具有情緒性的彈性 也就是說 前一分鐘女人還在哭的死去活來 下一分鐘他們可能正準備與男人做愛 女人能夠原先還非常生氣 幾分鐘後就忘的一乾二淨 (Tanya的例子是除非是跟我道了歉 我就真的忘了 否則到現在還記得 )
不過男人就比較困難 他們很難在短時間內從一種情緒迅速過度到另一種情緒 他們因此認定我們也做不到 (Tanya最近才被一位朋友說我是過度單純的認為情緒情感可以收放這麼快 ) 一但看到我們突然情緒非常壞 便會感到驚恐
一 . 當你心情很壞時 應該告訴另一半妳真正的需要 ~
當你覺得不舒服或是情緒很壞 需要和伴侶談一談 明白告訴他 你想他給你什麼 把話挑明講 自然可以減少誤會
譬如說 :你在公司跟同事鬧得不愉快 回到家很想傾吐一下你的不平 不妨這樣對伴侶說: 我覺得這個人很過分….但我只要你聽我說 安慰我 我不要任何忠告 我只想放鬆情緒 讓我覺得你真心愛我 > 這樣他就會知道該給你什麼 當他想幫助你時 便不會覺得受挫 妳也不至於對他大發脾氣 若不能解決妳的問題 他也不會因此認為自己是個失敗者 相反的 他會有成功的成就感 因為他給了你所要的
- May 15 Mon 2006 10:17
女人有時並不期待男人幫你解決問題 (English version coming soon)
你是不是曾經有過問題 覺得需要伴侶的撫慰 當你向他求助時 他卻長篇大論訊你一頓 ? ( Tanya有切身之痛 但是當時我並不知道我要的事什麼 只覺得怎麼會有一個英國人這麼會念的 愛說教 當場一把火燒起來 就不想講話了 )
你有沒有嘗試過要求另一半分擔你的難過或憂慮 但他卻說你是杞人憂天 無聊透頂 ? (Tanya可能先殺了他若是他敢這樣跟我講 )
身為女人 我們需要的是 ~
告訴你一切都沒問題 不用擔心
但我們得到的卻是 ~
女人要的是情愛 他男人卻跟你大談邏輯 我們希望受到母親般的呵護 他們卻像個嚴厲的父親
- May 12 Fri 2006 09:35
妳不信任我嗎? Don't you trust me ?(English version ..so now u can read ..)
假設你和你的伴侶再前往週末假期目的地的路上 到了該吃晚飯的時候 你的伴侶拿出導遊指南想在附近找家館子 你好心想幫他 於是說:<.></.>親愛的 書讓我看一一看 > 你的伴侶瞪了你一眼 然後說:為什麼要給你看 你不相信我嗎 ? >
- May 11 Thu 2006 17:34
Why do men hate to be wrong ??
男人憎惡承認自己犯錯 Why do men hate to be wrong ?
- May 10 Wed 2006 12:31