目前分類:Hong Kong 香港 (9)

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Tanya 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

香港  星光大道  Avenue of Stars ..     著名景點      one of the famous tourist sites in HK ...  

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  the 3rd time visiting HK , wanted to see a different side of Hong Kong ....     so we took my friend's suggestion to go to this old fashioned fishing village in Hong Kong   , coz  HB had a luch meeting that day , so we didn't leave out hotel until nearly 3 ..  

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Tanya 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

這次去香港    很開心能跟一對韓國夫妻碰面    認識她們兩個有12年了   從加拿大到現在   他們回韓國  之後到上海工作  三個月前 全家搬到香港  

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(all photos below were taken with LX 2 )

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