目前分類:~English Corner 英文筆記 (11)

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what  my 6th grade students is studying now ...   he has to memorize it ..  sometimes it's difficult to explain something to them in English , especially when they have no clue what they mean even if I translated them into Chinese ... 

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有人今天很努力做功課  問我以下英文的中文諺語是什麼 

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Tanya :  最近在跟部分學生一起閱讀一些英文書     其中一本是前一陣子  我有介紹過的"禮物"  The Present , 對我有很大的影響     也很開心看到有一位學生也因為那本書在他的生活上 想法有很大的幫助     最近有個學生的寒假作業是要閱讀一本英文書  "Tuesdays wirh Morrie "    我在很久之前看過 不過在那時我並無法真正對那本書有什麼共鳴
不過在讀了禮物 後  在回過來重新看這本書  感受完全不同      

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some students asked me  what  the word "Brat " means ..... 

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A student told me that someone had told her that the English word for "部落格" was not " BLOG " but " MY SPACE " ......    

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" Raccoon eyes" - the "dark circles"  under your eyes  ( 黑眼圈 或白眼圈 ) 
~ Tanya has to do something about her raccoon eyes ....  she should get some sleep ! 

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1. you are a "PIG"! ( = Chauvinistic Pig ) I can't believe that you think women's place is in the homes . 

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                VERBS + V-ing ( Doing

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http://f7.wretch.yimg.com/mytune/57/1257922849.mp3" hidden="true" type="" autostart="" loop="">

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