
Take it Slow ... am I in a rebound relationship ????

" As Frank Sinatra once sang, "Nice and easy does it. " The best thing to do with having a rebound relationship  -- and all -- relationships is take it slow at the beginning.  I know,   It's REALLY hard to do.  But if you take it slowly, you'll find out soon enough whether or not he wants to be in a long term relationship.

More importantly, you should figure out if YOU want to be in a long term relationship with this guy.  Don't sit back and wait for someone else to pick you.  You decide what you want.  Sometimes you'll get it.  Sometimes you won't.  But either way, you will be in charge of your own life. "

I have heard that it takes half the time that a relationship lasted for the parties involved to get over that relationship.  However, this theory seems so arbitrary that couples who hear of this rule promptly start debating about how long it would take each of them to get over the other.  Affecting factors in the relationship are also discussed, e.g. quality of their relationship, who would dump who, how long the relationship was downsizing, etc.

How long is enough for me to handle the grief of a 5 year relationship ?? I think ... there is no rule to follow to determine whether it's okay for me or him to enter another relationship ... it all depends on me ....   I think I am pretty optimistic on this ...  Everyday is a brand NEW day .....   

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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