目前分類:ChaYi 嘉義 (9)

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Tanya 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

 Super cute Persimmon lanterns ....     

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  What impressed me the most at this Lantern Fair in ChaYi is all those amazing lanterns that were designed , made by students and many other people .... 

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嘉義燈會     從七點不到 一直拍到11點   費玉清晚安曲響起(唱了四五遍吧)  

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  風大提起 我才想起 對啊 我那時還想著要去看湖    為什麼要較奮起湖 但是卻沒有Lake .............   

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感謝 好友R先生借我的衛星導航       沒有他 我們可能會問路問到死   哈哈 

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