
Saw this in the magazine and a similar one in a book  I was reading yesterday .... quite amusing , but before Tanya typing it down ... (there is a lot to type .... going to take me some time , but quite busy today ) , 
So, my darling , men or women , as long as you are not under 18 ...   ,    why don't you take a guess what the top 20 turn-offs could be ??  They say women are picky but I think men could be more critical than women 

一本雜誌上看到這個 覺得很有趣 但再我有時間把他打出來前 (真的有很多 要花一些時間 偏偏今天很忙 )  所以親愛的 不管男人女人 只要你是18歲以上 來猜猜這20項讓男人失去"性"趣的原因會是什麼 他們還說女人龜毛 我想男人也可以比女人愛挑剔的多多了 

  Men’s top twenty sexual turn-offs

1. Women who act as if they don’t like sex  表現的好像對性愛毫無興趣的女人 

This includes women who : 包括

*Make derogatory comments about sex 經常用貶損字眼來批評性愛

*Act embarrassed when talking about sex 談到性時就一副害羞窘迫的姿態  

*Are frequently resistant to making love 經常拒絕和伴侶做愛  
( Tanya: maybe it's because her boyfriend is not that good in bed ...說不定是他的男友表現不好 ) 

*Are critical of their husband or boyfriend when he expresses his sexuality 
當先生或男友有此衝動時 變嚴厲批評他們 
( Tanya: I can't believe people would do this ...  不敢相信有人會這樣做 )

*Have a “let’s-get-it-over-with attitude” or act like sex is something on “endure”
 抱持一種趕快結束的態度 把性愛當作是受罪  
(Tanya : well.......  he must be really terrible in bed then  他一定是很差 )

WHY  men feel like this ? 
because ~ "A man won’t stay open and vulnerable to a woman he feels is making him or his desires “wrong” "
為什麼?  因為 性是男人唯一能像女人顯示脆弱的行為 女人否認了對性的喜好 無疑是剝奪了男人為一宣洩情感的途徑 這讓男人覺得很笨拙 覺得自己做錯事 
(Tanya : is it so serious ??  it's only sex ....     )

2. Women who never initiate sex  從不主動表現性欲求的女人

 men are turned off by women who never initiates sex. It makes the man feel controlled, teased, manipulated, and that makes him angry.

 男人經常被這種不主動要求性愛的女人搞的性趣缺缺  這讓男人覺得拘束 被戲弄 被操縱 因此令他們氣憤 

 3. Women who act unfamiliar with a man’s body 表現出對男人身體很陌生的女人

 Men identify so closely with their penis that they interpret how you treat it as how you feel about them 男人把寶貝和對自我的肯定緊密結合在一起 你如何對待他們的寶貝正代表你對他們的感覺
 (Tanya: I think that  men think too much ...but I am not a man , is it true that you identify so closely with your penis ??? )

  4. A woman who makes a man responsible for her orgasms  讓男人承擔全部高潮責任的女人

it makes men feel that performance pressure , if he doesn’t make you come, he isn’t good enough, he is a failure . 這使男人必須面對表現不佳的壓力  他們覺得為能讓你獲得高潮是自己不夠好

 when you don’t ask a man for what you want , he feels “set up” , like you are about to test him to see how good a lover he is. A man interprets this as manipulative, secretly feels resentful and turns off .

當你不向男人說明妳的需求時  他們會覺得妳存心要考驗他們是不是好愛人  男人把這種行為是為操縱 會讓他們在內心產生憎惡和抗拒的心理

many women would rather lie there and feel frustrated than reveal the fact that they have a difficult time achieving orgasm 很多女人寧願躺在哪裡自怨自艾 也不願吐露他們沒有達到高潮

5. women who are sexual traffic cops in bed 在床上扮演交通警察的女人

it makes them feel that you don’t trust them to figure anything out for themselves, and turns them off 這讓男人覺得你不信任他  (Tanya: but I bet some men would like this kind of women 搞不好就有男人喜歡這種型的 )

6. the sexual corpse- women who are unresponsive in bed
像具死屍般任人擺佈 毫無反應的女人 
( Tanya: wow...this is cruel 真是狠 )

7. the sexual blabbermouth: women who talk too much in bed

it distracts him from experiencing pleasure  因為這會分散男人的注意力 讓他們無法享受當中的快樂

when you talk a lot in bed, your man will feel obligated to talk as well 當你在床上說了很多話時  伴侶會覺得應該回答妳  因為當你向男人表達感受時 他會有一種必須回應妳的責任感 because when you express your feelings to a man , he feels obligated to respond

 ( but why women do this ?~但是女人為什麼會這樣

 when they feel nervous or self-conscious, they release their tension by talking . 當他們太緊張或是太在意自己時 往往利用說話來紓解情緒  most women tend to be more verbal than men, and more identified with the emotional than the physical. 大部分女人比較從言語上獲得情感滿足 甚於肉體快感 )

 8. women who don’t take care of themselves  不懂得珍惜自己的女人

unshaved underarms and legs 腋毛不刮 腿毛太長 

(Tanya: and you men got hair all over your faces , bodies...legs ,or even between your eyebrows ..... and what's wrong with a woman has some hair )

bad breath 口臭  

(Tanya: and you men don't  have bad breath ? 男人沒口臭嗎 ? )

moustaches” 有鬍鬚 

unstylish clothing 沒格調的衣服 

(Tanya: everyone has different styles ... ) 

unhealthy diets 飲食不正常

overprocessed hair (too bleached, too permed, etc..) 頭髮不自然 (例如染的太黃 燙的太捲

wearing muu-muus or tent dresses around the house

unpleasant vaginal odor 私處有異味 (Tanya : and yours don't smell ??那你們男人那就不臭嗎 )

flab 肌肉鬆垮垮 毫無彈性 

(tanya: are you buying chicken or steak ?? 妳是在買雞肉還是牛排呀 )

bad skin, covered with tons of makeup 皮膚不好 塗滿化妝品 

body odor 狐臭及體臭

 (Tanya: humm..... men smell ...he had very bad body odor too)

chipped and peeling fingernail polish 指甲油已剝落又不重新修飾 

9. women who don’t like their own bodies and put themselves down 缺乏自信的女人

 because men are turned on by confidence . so when you put yourself down, your lack of confidence is a turn off .And the more you point out your physical flaws, the more he will notice them

 因為男人的性趣來自於自信  所以當女人看貶自己 缺乏自信的態度會使他們失去興趣 如果再指出自己身體上的缺點 他們便會更加注意 

Women , we are constantly being bombarded with images of the “ perfect” physical woman – the tall, slender model in her early twenties without an ounce of fat on her body . And women are trained to be modest and not show their sensuality . 

 女人 我們場面對要做個完美女人的疲勞轟炸 要身材修長 高挑苗條  而且女人自小就被訓練說要謙虛為懷 不可暴露 

10.Women who are too concerned with their appearance 太過於在意自己容貌的女人

because men hate it when they look at your face and see your make-up,and not your skin

因為男人狠厭惡當他看你時 看到的是化妝品而不是你的皮膚

they don’t like women who overdress 討厭穿的太過累贅的女人

women whose hair us untouchable 頭髮不能讓人家碰的人

women who are laden down with jewelry 滿身珠光寶氣的女人

Well, men are also affected by these images, and herein lies the double standard. Men say that they want a woman who is natural, who doesn’t take two hours to get ready to go out , and yet, if you do throw on your sweatshirt and jeans and go out with your man, no doubt he will be looking at the women who spent the two hours on themselves! 但是男人自己也受到影響 有著雙重標準 雖然說他們喜歡自然就是美的女人 因為他們不需要花兩個小時才能出門 但是如果你只穿牛仔褲跟T桖跟他出去 他鐵定會把眼光集中再那些花了兩小時化妝的女人身上 

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    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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