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Another Personality Test ...   I got this from a friend of mine ... just give it a try

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" What if the The Present  is very painful, like experiencing the loss of a loved one ? "   the young man asked the old man ...  

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Ever since I got myself into this new hobby  of mine - photography  ... I have become more aware of the things around me ... started to appreciate things that I wouldn't have noticed before ... such as , the color of the sky ... clouds in the sky  ... the trees along the sidewalks  ..... I have begun paying extra attention to what people have said ......    and plus after I have read the book - THE PRESENT ,  I decided to ask myslef some questions just like the old man in the story suggested the young man ... however , I haven't got the answers yet ....  perhaps I will share my thoughts with you when I have gotten my answers .... 
自從我開始投入我的新嗜好 -攝影  我開始會注意到在我週遭的事物   注意到一些以前不會注意到的事  像是天空的顏色  雲的形狀  路上的樹   我也開始專心聽周遭人說的話   加上我在讀了那本書 -禮物 後   我決定像書中老人建議那個年輕人做的 - 問自己一些問題    然而 到目前為止 我還是沒答案       或許等我想通了 我會在跟你們分享

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I have had this book for more than two years ...   I read it once ....  at that time , I could not get it ....  well, it's a nice story to read ... but I couldn't get the point out of it ...  
And I saw this book  while I was tiding my room....   so I started reading it again  ....    Only this time ...  I really enjoyed the story ..  

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I got this from my brother-in law ......   it's funny but silly ....   
just to make you laugh     Have a great day , My dear ! 

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This afternoon I went to a bookstore after school ...   was thinking to pick up a book that I have heard so much about it recently for my friend and myself ...  then I ended up coming home with 4 books for myself ....    Chinese and English books ...   This will be my READING week ....    

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My friend Rabe has just come back from her trip to Europe .... and she wrote to us to share some of her fun experience ....after reading it .... I WANT TO GO TO Budapest .....     Rabe is such  a fun person to hang out with ... her living style is quite different from most of people , especially for her age ....  and she has a very particular sense of humour ....  she tells hilarious jokes ....  

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This is another personality test which I got from a friend ......   is it accurate ? I am not sure .......     you can try doing it .....

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THANKS JUDY for translating this article ........   ha ha ha .....She had no idea that she had just done me a huge favor .....   I have tried to translate ..... but well, I am just too lazy and my Chinese is really not good enough .... ha ha ha  一位學生 幫我一個大忙翻譯了這篇好文章  我有試著翻譯過 但是 我就是太懶加上中文不夠好  哈哈哈

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         This is my test result .... and MY GOD .....   I am Schizotypal ........  精神分裂傾向   but  I have always thought I am kind of ....never know what I am thinking .....     GOD !!    很準的個性分析 

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~ 今天,有人對我說了一些有關於我的缺點,也給了我一些建議。

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Please go to   :   http://www.wretch.cc/album/album.php?id=louischone&book=63

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"When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way."
I like this quote a lot ....   it's is true that we are often so eager to know the result ,or to get things done right ,  but we have forgotten to enjoy the process . 這句話是提醒我們做很多事情時結果並不是重點 不是說你有沒有把事情作對,做好  , 享受過程也是很重要的 

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This Saturday night , I went to the movie with a friend .... as a man , he ikes this movie too....so I think it's not a " chick " movie ......   

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4 Ways to Say “I Love You"

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~ Change: Easy to say but difficult to do!  But you will never become who you want to be by remaining who you are. If you are unhappy with who you are today and want to develop a new you in the future, why not make this day THE DAY you begin to make the changes necessary. It’s time to stop thinking about change and start engaging in it. The key here is to take action!
Change demands mental, physical and social action! It takes more than simple willpower and desire to create change. It also takes action – mental, physical and social action. And only YOU can make that happen! Why not make TODAY the first day of your new life? Choose one thing that you would like to change and take action on it today. The beginning of that new life is only one decision away. Even though it may be difficult, the rewards are astounding and you are very much worth the effort!

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非常好的文章 我會找時間翻譯中文 
As children, we’re told to “play nice with others” and to respect everyone’s opinion. Our elders taught us not to brag about ourselves, to be generous and to be aware of our own flaws and problems. But have you ever had someone tell you that arrogance, intolerance and selfishness can put you ahead, both in the workplace and in your personal life? Even though this may seem contradictory to what you learned in school and throughout life, it’s true. And you don’t have to turn into a prejudiced bigot to reap the benefits of these so-called “negative” personality traits. You just need to learn how to stand up for yourself and what you believe in…

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" You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger. " 

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What is HAPPINESS to you ??  什麼是快樂 ??    Are you Happy ?  It seems to be an easy question to answer  , but there are a lot of people can't actually answer it ....   they either answer " I don't know if I am happy " or " sometimes " .....   ???  why sometimes ??

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I met this new frined - Sandy , through an old friend of mine  ( well, not exactly "MET " her yet ... hopefully will get to "SEE" her when she is in town next month ) 
anyway, Sandy is a very smart and thoughtful girl..   I like visiting her blog , because she often writes some really good stuff that I find quite touching ... and sweet . 

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