11. Women who don’t like receiving oral sex 不喜歡接受口交的女人
you know how much men love receiving oral sex. When you don’t allow them to give this same kind of loving back to you , they feel selfish, dirty …. (Tanya: well…… is this true ? I don’t think so ) 這會讓男人覺得他們很自私 你知道男人很喜歡口交 當你不允許他回饋你時 他們會覺得自己很自私 及骯髒 自己被拒絕 被排斥
For many men, offering to give oral sex to a woman is a more intimate act than intercourse-they are connecting their body opening with yours. When you don’t allow your partner to love you in this way , he feels rejected and excluded. (Tanya: men are more complicated than women sometimes …)
Tanya: 男人有時比女人還複雜難懂
12. women who are sloppy kissers 吻的太過火的女人
13. women who are too serious 太認真嚴肅的女人
when a man is trying to be funny and a woman refuses to participate, he feels like you are making him wrong, putting him down, acting as if you are better than him .
14. women who are excessively needy and clingy 太過於粘人及依賴的女人
the more needy and clingy you appear, the more a man feels responsible to rescue you . He becomes the parent, you become the child, the sexual desire disappears.
But why women do this :
Because we feel powerless , and we feel afraid of loss 因為女人覺得孤苦無助有無力感 害怕失去
15. Stupid, superficial women 愚蠢又膚淺的女人
because men need to feel proud of the woman they love (Tanya : I think this wroks the same on women ,too …though I do know a few men prefer their women to be stupid ) 男人希望以他們所愛的女人為傲
(Tanya: 誰不喜歡這樣 女人也是呀 雖然我認識一些男的是希望他們的女人笨一點好 )
16. women who care only about a man’s financial status只關心男人金錢狀況的女人
men already walk around feeling pressured to perform. When a woman judges a man purely on his ability to receive financial rewards, he feels totally unappreciated for who he is inside. ( Tanya; true )
17. women who use their sexuality to manipulate men 利用原始本錢來駕馭男人的女人
it makes men feel controlled and overpowered, and this turns them off
18. women who talk about former lovers 常提起前任愛人的女人
he decides that you have lousy taste in men (Tanya: this is what I was asking myself a few months ago )
he sees the angry, vengeful side of you , and wonder if he’s your next target
he feels angry at you for being such a wimp and letting yourself be mistreated
but why women do this : 為什麼女人會做這種事
we have unresolved feelings about past relationships and feel safe enough with our present partner to vent those feelings. 我們始終無法忘懷與過去男人的關係 並且覺得讓現任的伴侶一起出氣
We use our criticism of former lovers as a sneaky way to tell our new partner how we’d like him to treat us (Tanya: very true ) 我們利用對昔日愛人的批評 偷偷暗示現任伴侶不要像他們一樣
We often use this form of convert communication with the man in our life rather than having an honest conversation about what we want and need in a relationship 我們經常使用這種隱蔽的溝通方式 而不開誠佈公的說明我們的需求
19. women who aren’t sexually spontaneous 缺乏自發性性慾的女人
20. women who wear ugly underwear 穿著難看內衣的女人
( Tanya: sometimes I think if we don’t care that a man has a big belly or smelly arm pits …. BUT i think that wearing sexy underwear is not only for your man but more for yourself . )