The Break Up Synopsis: Pushed to the breaking-up point after their latest why can't you do this one little thing for me argument, art dealer Brooke calls it quits with her boyfriend, Gary. What follows is a series of remedies, war tactics, overtures, and underminings suggested by the former couple's friends, confidantes, and the occasional total stranger.
I don't think this is a "romantic " comedy, There’s nothing romantic going on in this movie , but I think it's kind of funny .... I agree with what the movie critic says ..it's a mean-spirited movie. However , personally , I think it reflects what happen between couples in real life ..... real but mean.....
Vince Vaughn stars as Gary Grobowski, a Chicago tour bus guide who spends his days doing stand-up comedy routines in front of vacationers eager to laugh. After putting in a hard days-worth of joke telling, he enjoys nothing more than to go home, crash on his comfy sofa, pop open a few beers, and watch sports or play video games while his infinitely classier girlfriend, Brooke (Jennifer Aniston), takes care of everything around the house. She cooks, she cleans, and does all the planning for those occasions when Gary liberates his rear from the sofa and the two go out.
the twosome spend 90% of their evenings together with Gary settled on the couch and Brooke waiting on him hand and foot. Two years of that and finally Brooke snaps out of her Stepford Wivesish trance. She says enough is enough when Gary brings her three lemons instead of a dozen right before a big dinner party with both of their families. And come on people, how can you possibly have a party without 12 lemons? That's the straw that broke the camel's back? Most women would have pushed him off that couch at least a full year earlier.
The above synopsis makes Gary sound like the bad guy in this relationship and that’s just not true. Brooke has her own share of faults. She apparently has the sense of humor of a dead gnat and is big on nagging. She pushes his buttons; he takes her for granted. He can’t stand her flamboyant ‘he’s not gay’ brother. She bugs him about going to the ballet.
As the relationship crashes down around them they snarl their way through vicious verbal arguments, but it doesn’t matter who comes out on top. It's impossible to care who gets to keep the condo.
This is one of my favorite scenes - Two people who love each other very much but can't find a way to communicate ..... humm...... reminds me of someone I know .... In fact , there is a lot of dialogue in this movie sounds very familiar ....
In this movie , They both did some silly things .... to hurt each other , or for Jennifer , in the hope of changing him .... hoping that he would realise that he needs to make a few changes .... understanding that she needs to be appreciated ... she needs to know that he cares for her ... but not taking her for granted..... ( totally understand how she feels ) so one night , both of them started talking agian .... she told him what she really wanted from him ....it's never about the small things , such as ,she wantes 12 lemons but he brought home3 ....and the guy said " why didn't you just tell me that ? " ...... and she said " I tried ...many times ...." - again .... this sounds very very familar to me ..... alas......
another part about this movie that I really enjoyed is the scenes with "Jon Favreau " ..... so so so funny ..... and it 's really clear that how important the role of your friend is ..... their advice might change your decision , affect how you look at things ...... in this movie , the guy realised that he really needed to change .... because what his friend finally said something to him ( before that he only told him what he wanted to hear ) ........ sometimes ....the truth is ugly to hear , it's hard to face that you are only a human .... you have more flaws than you realise ..... but once you have realised that , you will only become a better person with a better life .... too bad that in the end , he , or both of them realised that a bit too late ..... when Vince told her that he realised that he had been wrong , and willing to change ..... she looked at him sadly and said " I have nothing left to offer " ........... I wouldn't go back with him either ......... a shame ...yes .
Another thing I found very interesting is ... how men and women handle their break ups differently ..... men go to bars ....drinking ... looking for girls , hoping to find some comforts , or make them feel good ... or to get lay... in the hope of forgetting their pain .... but can they ??? while women spend time with their friends talking at home , on the phone ... or learning things .... women might go out with other guys , but most of reasons why they are doing it just to get their men jealous ....
My ex told me that he has been going to bars , chatting women up... and implying that he has been sleeping around ... I don't know .. .. he sounds just like one of those many foreigners in Taiwan ..... and proving he has been having a good time .... having a laugh .... he has again and again stated that he is making a lot of new firends ..... cool people ....... First , I was kinda angry ... then I feel really sad for him .... because later I remembered the conversations I had with some guys while I was in Florida ... they told me " what do you expect him to do ? stay at home and cry over you ??" , they are all men .... they think at the time like that , going to bars and having FUN is the best way to deal with your break up, but then agian , at the end of the day , they all agree that is just stupid ....and shallow.... they were never happy ..... it was fun for a while ....but then they felt a bit empty ......
I think.......men are idiots .......... however , I am not angry , but understanding , and feel sorry for them ....for him ...... I used to think about going to bars and having fun ....... then .... luckily , I have good friends who gave me good , positive advice .... now I am doing many things .... changing my life style ..... learning , improving myself .... and feel truly happy ......
I have no desire going to bars ... trying to be chatted up by guys ... coz I know for sure that I will never find the right guy for me there ...........