My friend Rabe has just come back from her trip to Europe .... and she wrote to us to share some of her fun experience ....after reading it .... I WANT TO GO TO Budapest ..... Rabe is such a fun person to hang out with ... her living style is quite different from most of people , especially for her age .... and she has a very particular sense of humour .... she tells hilarious jokes ....
Here is something she wrote in the mail that I think is interesting share with you
IN Budapest, It was extremely beautiful. Everything about it...the people, buildings...and do they have seem to paint everything with liquid gold and a paint brush. I had fun singing my song that Steve taught me years ago on the ski boat in a lake in Ohio...I tried it out on several people and believe it or not they understood me...
~ The three of us put some rules of wisdom together that go like this:
Here is something she wrote in the mail that I think is interesting share with you
Dear Family,
No better way to say it then"It was a Priceless!"
I have seen a few of those priceless commercials and their were so many moments of my trip that would have been perfect for them but I know that i can only share a few highlites with you,let you know that I am back safe and sound(even though I did push the envelope a little at times), and add there is no Place like home as well.
I ended my trip With our German family. For the record, Grandma's Sister Anna is 93 years old and lives with her daughter Ingrid and her husband Hansjorg. They have three children Monica, Gisella, and Doris. They have children as well. They all live within and hour of each other in lower Germany. They have some of the most beautiful surroundings that take your breath away. From the cleaniset rivers to the tallest mountains that I travelled up in 4 cable cars.....As you know pictures don't do it seeing it personally would be my suggestion. IN Budapest, It was extremely beautiful. Everything about it...the people, buildings...and do they have seem to paint everything with liquid gold and a paint brush. I had fun singing my song that Steve taught me years ago on the ski boat in a lake in Ohio...I tried it out on several people and believe it or not they understood me...
~ The three of us put some rules of wisdom together that go like this:
1. Never trust your first answer from a stranger...always ask three people and hope that you get two the same
2. Never take your purse off your neck
3. Buy your train ticket a day early and know what station you leave from
4. Never tip the waiter if you drank too much wine
5. Never wear white running shoes in Europe..they stick out
6. Treasure a soft mattress
7. Don't buy heavy take home gifts unless you can carry them on your back
8. There are three types of water...1 with gas, 1 in a bottle and one from the faucet
9. Europeans don't use small spoons...they have big mouths we guess
10. Never take your silverware out of your hands at any time while eating
11. Never use UPS in a foreign country
12. Talk to strangers..that is the only way to survive
13. Learn the Metric system as everything is 200 meters away
14. Always read the directions in the hotel room before you panic
15. Have a change purse as all money comes in coins in Europe
16. Know how to read a train schedule...which includes platforms, arrival times, and especially departure times
17. Never trust the lady on the train..she is evil
18. Know that two train stations with the exact name are NOT the same
19. Never buy an English magazine in a foreign country unless you want to pay 4 times its already ridiculous price it was in America
20. The view on the train in Magnificent
21. When you think you are at the top just look around the corner
22. Have money for the washroom or bring your own paper