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As children, we’re told to “play nice with others” and to respect everyone’s opinion. Our elders taught us not to brag about ourselves, to be generous and to be aware of our own flaws and problems. But have you ever had someone tell you that arrogance, intolerance and selfishness can put you ahead, both in the workplace and in your personal life? Even though this may seem contradictory to what you learned in school and throughout life, it’s true. And you don’t have to turn into a prejudiced bigot to reap the benefits of these so-called “negative” personality traits. You just need to learn how to stand up for yourself and what you believe in…

The Benefits of Arrogance
What do you typically think of when you hear the word “arrogant?” Maybe the captain of the cheerleading squad comes to mind, the girl who stuck her nose up at you and couldn’t be bothered to give you the time of day. But part of being arrogant is taking pride in what you do, and you don’t have to act superior and snobby to reap the benefits of this personality trait.

Do you always brush away compliments when your dinner guests gush over your homemade pasta salad? Instead of tossing the praises aside, smile and say thank you. Learn to be proud of what you’ve done, whether you’ve baked a pie or organized a fundraising car wash for the PTA. Playing up your strengths and knowing how to put your best qualities forward will also allow you to contribute to causes that you believe in. Are you an excellent musician? When the church pianist cancels, don’t just stand by while the pastor scrambles around. Tell everyone how much you love to play the piano and how good you are, and offer to fill in.

The Benefits of Intolerance
You may think that intolerance is a trait found only in people like slave-owners, misogynists and racists. But in reality, refusing to tolerate certain behaviors and actions can make you a stronger person and ensure that you receive the treatment you deserve.

Has your so-called “best friend” stood you up again? Has your boyfriend made one too many “fat jokes?” You deserve to be treated with consideration and respect, so don’t put up with those who constantly flake out on you or put you down. Of course, you can’t expect your friends and loved ones to be perfect all the time, so cut them some slack when they occasionally mess up. But if someone truly makes you feel bad every time you hang out, then don’t tolerate his or her bad behavior. It’s time to end the relationship. 

The Benefits of Selfishness
We’re not saying that it’s a bad idea to share with others and to be generous with your friends and family. But you can’t spend all day bending over backwards, trying to please everyone. Sometimes, you need to look out for yourself first.

Between birthday parties, church meetings and family visits, your social calendar can fill up all too quickly. But if you run yourself ragged and jump from engagement to engagement, you’ll miss out on critical time to relax and rejuvenate. So if you’re running around and have no free time, just say no to your sister who’s asked you to baby-sit her three kids at the last minute. Pass on having lunch with an acquaintance you’re not close to and don’t be tempted to use the time you saved to get more chores done. 
Put down the broom and do something for you, whether it’s getting a manicure, reading a romance novel or watching your favorite TV program. Pamper yourself, and don’t feel guilty about it. Treating yourself well will only make you more pleasant for others to be around.
Arrogance, intolerance and selfishness don’t have to be all bad. To make it ahead in both your personal and professional life, you just need to take the good parts of these personality traits and leave the bad parts behind. Stick up for yourself and learn how to be assertive. You don’t need to act snobby or condescending in order to be proud of your strengths, ensure that you’re treated well and make time for yourself.

the above is from LifeScript   

What I like about it is that it supports what I have believed in ..... for many years ...  I have always told people that I am selfish ..and I do not see anything wrong with it long as your actions do not hurt other people .... don't affect other's life ...
    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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