"When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It's to enjoy each step along the way."
I like this quote a lot .... it's is true that we are often so eager to know the result ,or to get things done right , but we have forgotten to enjoy the process . 這句話是提醒我們做很多事情時結果並不是重點 不是說你有沒有把事情作對,做好 , 享受過程也是很重要的
I remember that I often say to my students when they feel bad about not doing well on their exams ...... I say to them , " I don't care that you get high grades or low grades , I don't care that how many mistakes you have made this time ... a bad result doesn't make you a bad student .. I only want to know if you have really understood how to solve the problems ...sometimes making mistakes is a good thing , it 's a process of helping us to learn more .... there is nothing embarrasing about making a mistake . "
常跟學生說 當他們因為考試考不好而感到難過時 : 我不在乎今天你考高分低分 我不在乎你這次錯了幾題 成績不好不代表你是一個壞學生 不代表你英文不好 我只在意你是否真的了解錯在哪裡
犯錯有時是好事 他幫助我們學習更多的過程 千萬不要因為犯錯而覺得不好意思 "
we all make mistakes from time to time , and I enjoy making mistakes , because it gives me a chance to do it again ....
I am going back to my swimming lessons this month .... and a lot of people ask me if I can swim ..... I say it will probably take a year for me to learn ...... ha ha ... but I don't care , I am enjoying being in the water .... enjoying learning , enjoying the process ..... and it's good and healthy for me .....
I like this quote a lot .... it's is true that we are often so eager to know the result ,or to get things done right , but we have forgotten to enjoy the process . 這句話是提醒我們做很多事情時結果並不是重點 不是說你有沒有把事情作對,做好 , 享受過程也是很重要的
I remember that I often say to my students when they feel bad about not doing well on their exams ...... I say to them , " I don't care that you get high grades or low grades , I don't care that how many mistakes you have made this time ... a bad result doesn't make you a bad student .. I only want to know if you have really understood how to solve the problems ...sometimes making mistakes is a good thing , it 's a process of helping us to learn more .... there is nothing embarrasing about making a mistake . "
常跟學生說 當他們因為考試考不好而感到難過時 : 我不在乎今天你考高分低分 我不在乎你這次錯了幾題 成績不好不代表你是一個壞學生 不代表你英文不好 我只在意你是否真的了解錯在哪裡
犯錯有時是好事 他幫助我們學習更多的過程 千萬不要因為犯錯而覺得不好意思 "
we all make mistakes from time to time , and I enjoy making mistakes , because it gives me a chance to do it again ....
I am going back to my swimming lessons this month .... and a lot of people ask me if I can swim ..... I say it will probably take a year for me to learn ...... ha ha ... but I don't care , I am enjoying being in the water .... enjoying learning , enjoying the process ..... and it's good and healthy for me .....