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Jacky asked me that if it was true that people say  ~  " A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.

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Cardiac Catheterization ~ 心導管手術

This is a procedure done on the heart. In it, a doctor inserts a thin plastic tube (catheter) (KATH'eh-ter) into an artery or vein in the arm or leg. From there it can be advanced into the chambers of the heart or into the coronary arteries. This test can measure blood pressure within the heart and how much oxygen is in the blood. It's also used to get information about the pumping ability of the heart muscle.If your coronary arteries are blocked, your doctor can use a thin flexible tube (catheter), guidewire, and balloon to open them and improve blood flow to your heart. (什麼是心導管手術)

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Sunday morning , my mom made me go to "Hsing- Tien Temple" 行天宮  with her   -  ( for those people who can't read chinese , Tanya had especially done some research for it on the internet )    ~  this is a very busy temple is devoted to Kuan Kung, a famous deified general who lived (AD 162-219) during the Three Kingdoms period.  A man who valued loyalty and righteousness above all things, Kuan Kung is worshipped as the God of War; since he was adept at managing finances, he is also worshipped as he patron saint of businessmen. 
This is a young temple, built in 1967, with a simple and dignified appearance.  Many believers feel that this is a very efficacious temple, and it is frequently thronged with people praying for help and seeking divine guidance by consulting oracle blocks.
 (which is one of the reason why my mom goes there ) Even the pedestrian underpass outside the temple is filled with fortune tellers and vendors who take commercial advantage of the temple's popularity.

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" An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have. The older she gets the more interested he is in her." ~  Agatha Christie

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" I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back. " ~ - Maya Angelou. American Poet, b.1928 
人生不應該是只期望得到什麼 有時必須有所回饋及付出 

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Though on  the second day it was raining cats and dogs outside ....but we still enjoyed our holiday  , we were reading , listening to music ..enjoying nice food in front of the fire place   and .......  taking a bath in this huge bathtub ~  it was quite chill outside but steamy inside ..... with rose petals and bath salt ......... 

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It's 3 :30 in the morning ......have just  got back from KTV with friends .....................  fun fun fun ... but seriously , this is not the life style I wish to have every weekend it's because that one of the co workers is leaving , so we had a party for her ... otherwise , I hadn't  had this kind of night life in a long time .....  

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 (Yes , Tanya took this photo in Switzerland  .... 這是我在瑞士拍的 雖是用一般消費型數位相機 但沒想到效果還不錯 不過我就一直想那時若是有什麼偏光鏡之類的東西 是否藍天就會更藍 要是那台貨車沒在哪就好了 )

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游泳游到腰椎骨折 你也真是了不起 !! 
We( me and Roy )  went swimming last night , at around 10 at night ..... he said he had enough exercise and was feeling tired after he had been swimming for 10 minutes ....   because the pool closes at 11 , so we quickly took a shower and got changed ....  

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My first Photography lesson ~

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