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Tanya 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The " open-ended sit-in " 靜坐 near the Presidential Office building this Saturday ........  My friend and I are thinking to go .... but not to join them ..but to take some photos ....

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Wow..................  I am surprised to see there have been 102 visitors today ...............  今天居然很奇怪的破百 有超過102人拜訪我的網誌

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寵物悲歌 黃金獵犬自生自滅
民視 更新日期:2006/08/31 07:09


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我不是一個迷信的人 但是我是寧願相信也不願事後後悔 It's better safe than sorry   
年初跟一位朋友去算命 一位有名的摸骨師 他跟我說要我在農曆8月5日~10日 避免去新竹 苗栗 雲林 因為會有災難  

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Was planning to go out today .... but woke up feeling SICK ..... SICK ...... so decided to stay home instead .....

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Last night went to bed a lot later than I wanted to ....  but still woke up early as I needed to buy something for the SD card ....  

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Went to Nan Tou for the weekend ,  just got back ....with 475 photos .... GEE ....
I  will need a lot of time to go through each photo .... hope there are a few good ones .... 

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I don't know why I have been so busy everyday .... even during the weekend since I got back from Florida , I have been busy talking with many different people ....  trying to solve their problems ... trying to be their " trash can " - be a good listener ..... but I find that I have so little time for myself .....I have not finished my scrap book yet ....   but at least , I have strated to see some good results .... 
我不知為什麼我會每天一直忙忙連週末也是  一直忙著跟人說話  試著幫人解決問題 聊聊心事 當當人家的垃圾桶   我發現我居然沒啥麼時間給自己靜下來作一些事 比如說我的剪貼本到現在還沒做好   不過很高興這陣子的瞎忙似乎有點好結果

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"I can live for two months on a good compliment."

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Okay.......  I looked at his photo today........ Gee....... he looks so ugly ....... 

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來自 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/rebecca73&article_id=3870865  

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How to copy and paste on my blog.....   如何複製及貼上

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This morning I woke up with a runny nose .... and have been sneezing all day long .............   am I getting a cold or I am just allergic to TAIWAN.... 
Poor Tanya !!  

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Someone told me  that this year we've got 2 Chinese Valentine's days ....  because we have two 7th lunar months this year which I think it doesn't make any sense at all... does it mean that we have 13 months this year ??   有人告訴我今年有兩個七夕情人節 因為今年是兩個七月 雖然我絕得這是一點道理都沒有 這是說我們今年有13個月嗎?? 

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People do change .....   doesn't matter how old you are , what you do....   take my mom for example , she has changed a lot ....  especially this with the new maid , even though she got really furious with our comment ...  but she has changed , not for us, but more for herself .  She doesn;t seem to be so nervous about having a stranger around the house , and has spent less time actually spying on her ...   she is learning to be more CHILL ...  :)  we are all very happy for her .... 

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Got a call from my aunt , she was asking how my dad is doing .. 
He is going back to the hospital tomorrow ...   

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