
I have bought these two filters for my camera .... but ........ it's raining today ,and it will be wet like this 
next week as well........ NOOOO........ 

買了相機用的偏光鏡及減光鏡 結果居然下雨 下星期都會是濕濕的天氣 為什麼 不公平  

Before we left our spanish class today... our teacher said to us " estudiar muchas "  ..... and I answered him...'" sure ! "  .... I think he must be frustrated with my answer ....  I like him a lot , he is a dedicated teacher .....   Tanya , Tanya must study harder .....  
"You are rewarding a teacher poorly if you remain always a pupil.  " 

now we are learning how to read numbers in Spanish .... try this ,
" trece millones novecientos setenta mil " which means " 13,970,000 "    My God !!   by the time we finish reading the figure , I think people will have already fallen asleep ....       西班牙文的數字是又臭又長 等我念完數字後 對方可能已經睡著了

Was going to Dam shui this afternoon , but now the plan has been changed .... we are going to see the movie - 海神號 The Poseidon Adventure tonight ... will tell you what I think about this movie ...    
今天下午原本打算去淡水拍照 結果下雨 所以決定去看電影 我覺得電影好不好看  明天在跟你們說

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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