
 (Yes , Tanya took this photo in Switzerland  .... 這是我在瑞士拍的 雖是用一般消費型數位相機 但沒想到效果還不錯 不過我就一直想那時若是有什麼偏光鏡之類的東西 是否藍天就會更藍 要是那台貨車沒在哪就好了 )
My Third photography lesson ..... humm... going to buy a " CPL " filter, which according to our teacher , can enable colors to become more saturated and appear   clearer , with better contrast . it is often used to increase the contrast and saturation in blue skies and white clouds ... which is Tanya's favorite subject . 

 Going to a mountain next week.... for 3 days , guess that I could use this filter a lot ....   buying one this sunday  :) 
 第三堂攝影課 恩 要去買偏光鏡 根據老師的說法 它可幫助色差調整 讓顏色飽和度更好  特別是拍攝藍天白雲時 剛好是我最愛的主題 星期天去買 

 又要花錢了 啊 啊 啊   

 But this time I met a new friend in the photography class ...  Iris , who also lives in San Chong , is a very nice girl ....   going to take photos together next time ... 

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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