Jacky asked me that if it was true that people say ~ " A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
A man marries a woman expecting that she won’t change, and she does. " ????
Jacky今天問我這是真的嗎 當人說 " 當女人嫁給一個男人時 她期望他會改變 但他不會改 , 當一個男人娶一個女人時 他期待她永遠不會變 但是她變了 "
我想對大部分的男人女人或許是真的 但是個人的意見是 我不認為男人永遠都不變 人會變 我們都必須為了適應我們新工作 新生活....而改變 , 人在結婚後 生了小孩後也會改變 會為了適應我們的新身分( 變成一個丈夫 妻子 媽媽 爸爸 ) 而改變 ..... 改變真的是一件壞事嗎 ? 或許是吧 當你們對生活的期許是不同的 當你們兩人是一個人持續在改變而另一個則留在原地不動 就像是Tanya 跟那個英國豬 哈哈哈 (我是趁機會罵人 )
ha ha , Tanya thinks it's true for most of men and women .... but , personally , I do not think that a man will always stays the same .
People change , we all have to change to fit in our new work , new life .... etc , people will change after they have gotten married , had a baby .... , they change to fit their new roles in their life , as a husband , as a wife , as a mother , as a father ..... is this a bad thing to change ??? Perhaps it is a bad thing if you and your partner have different aspects of life , when one of you is changing continuously while the other satys where you started ....
Tiffany and Tracy , what do you think ?? maybe you can offer some of your opinion on this , too ?? 兩位美女 你們認為呢 或許可以說說你們意見
- Jun 14 Wed 2006 13:05
Will people change ?? 人會變嗎 ??