目前分類:~ nonsense 碎碎念 (308)

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We went to the cinema that I usually go to last night , but the tickets for the 7:40 show were sold out  ....wow ....  So we decided to go to other cinema to try our luck .... so we went to Miramar , in Nei Hu ...... and guess what ?  we couldn't get tickets for the earlier show either ...so we bought the tickets for a 10:40 show, and by the time we finished the movie, it was 1:20  already ..... almost 3 hours long ... but  didn't feel that it was that long , I enjoyed it a lot ... not sure about my friend , Roy though ...as he thinks that this movie descrate Christian.  Humm.....   So we decided to see this movie just like any other Hollywood movies ??  and not to think too much about it ....  well, a movie is always a movie ....  for Tanya herself . But anyway ,  I like Tom Hanks and I think the story is fascinating ....  

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妳是屬於草香形象       http://hk.geocities.com/hataryuhk/game.htm

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" We must never cease from exploration, And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we began and to know the place for the first time . "

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 "Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them to become what they are capable of being"

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Yesterday went to see a movie - " Mission Imposible 3 "  which we enjoyed a lot .... and we saw some movie trailers before the movie began .... WOW... all I can say is Tanya is going to visit the cinema quite often in the next few months .... because there are a lot of new movies that we would like to see ... especially most of them are the sequels to the movies I like , eg, X-Men 3 , The pirates of the Caribbean 2 ....    Can't wait to see them ....  though Tanya has some plans for this summer vacation , should be able to find time for movies /dates .  And what surprised me the most yesterday while we were seeing the movie , there was no one talking on their cell phone .. COOL ! I really hate people using their phones in the theaters .....  makes me want to strangle them .... ahh...I am so violent ! 
昨天看了一部我們很喜歡的電影 Mission Impossible 3   在電影開始前我們看了 一些預告片 哇 我只能說我未來幾個月會常去看電影 因為有好多我喜歡的電影續集 像是X-Men 3 , The Pirates of the Caribbean....... 真是等不及了 雖然我對我的暑假另有一些計畫 但應該還是有辦法找出時間   昨天有一件是讓我非常驚訝 居然昨天看電影時沒人講行動電話 cool ! 我真的很討厭看電影使用行動電話  會讓我想掐死他們 ....我真是暴力呀 ! 

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Worked not so hard today .........  was listening to ICRT this morning and heard the DJ recommended this singer - David Foster ,who is from South Africa ,has already relased two albums . So I decided to check it out ......wow..... he was great .... we really enjoyed it .....    and GUESS WHAT !  After the performance , he came to our table to say hello ...so we chatted and exchange name cards .... and we might go to his another performance next month ..............................  ha ha ha ,

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"I hear and I forget , I see and I remember , I do and I understand"

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FIRST , I would like to Thank my darling students in Lu Zhou Branch -  Alan , Jenny and Diana for their CARDS , and their presents (though I didn't take the presents ..I can't but I am really appreciated and I hope you understand )  I am so touched ....  

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Love is when you shed a tear and still want him, 
it's when he ignores you and you still love him, 

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Going to do NOTHING much but enjoying my day with friends …

  一段我覺得滿有意思的話跟你們分享  quite interesting quotes to share with my love ones …. 

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We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly” ~ Sam Keen 
"愛不是去找一個完美對象 而是學習如何去"完美"地看一個"不"完美的人 "

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引用網路上大家意見 結果如下    

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!! 全天下男人的真心告白

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APRIL. 22  ( almost midnight )  

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU .........................

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今天在帶完我家狗去拆線後 順便跟我妹去逛街買媽媽的生日禮物-一個皮包 結果我妹自己買了兩個 我也買了一個 -3000多 ( 還在打了對折後 )  不過真的都滿喜歡他們家的東西就是了    大失血日   
 結果那個店員還記得我 看到我說"你怎麼變瘦了,臉都小了 "  (事實上是瘦了4公斤左右 ) 我笑笑的說是呀 

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I find a man with a stubbly face is very hot  .... and looks sexy when he is shaving .......    weaken my knees ....   I just LOVE this man ......     George Clooney , the sexiest man in the world....    

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I try to imagine that one day my husband admits  that he has slept with another girl before we get married , after we have started dating ........  What would I do ? and How would I feel ..... the more important is How SHOULD I feel about it ??    sometimes when it comes to SEX , there seems to be no MORALS at all......   Men can sleep with girls whom they don't want to have any serious relationships with  .......  in their minds, SEX is SEX , LOVE is LOVE ...........     WHY WHY WHY ??    and why there are some men hope to have better sex after they have got LOVE ....  ??   

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 Now watching the DVD- James Blunt's concert .....  it has just arrived today ...  with his CD ,and a book I ordered as well......  I just love him.....  I find his songs , his voice very sexy ....  he is not my type though .... I mean , he is not a handsome guy .... I have to say .   

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