This morning I woke up with a runny nose .... and have been sneezing all day long ............. am I getting a cold or I am just allergic to TAIWAN....
Poor Tanya !!
I found a card lying on the coffee table which is from my best friend ... she dropped this in my mailbox and saying that she misses me and she has been experiencing some difficult time with her husband since the day I left Taiwan ....
After I have heard the whole story from her .... I feel sorry to see her be in the situation like that ..... I am not an expert of marriage ... I can't offer her any better advice than supporting her decision .... though I do really much want to tell her that it's better to get herself out now ... but I can't . Because it's not my place to make the call , it's not my decision to make .... It all seems to be really easy to advise others ... I often think ...WHO are WE to judge people's lives ? WHo are We to decide what is better for others .... ?? Why are we so sure that we make a better judgement than others ??
Of course , my friend will not necessarily listen to me anyway .... she will fight her own war .... she will fight until she has no choice but to give up ....... That's her , I admire her for her courage and patience .... but I am also worried for her , for getting hurt ....
It seems to be so ironic ... when I got engaged , she broke up with her bf , and when she got married , I broke up with my bf ... and now I am having my new life , but she is having problems with her marriage ..... why why why ????
All I want the most now is a peaceful mind and stay who I am now .... I have finally got the old me back ... and I want everyone I know to stay healthy and happy all the time ..... I love you all !!
朋友就是不管你做什麼決定都會支持你 你知道不管什麼時候打給他他都會有空聽你說 加油 加油 你幫助我走過我的低潮期 雖然我不懂爲什麼我們兩個總是情況相反 當我好時 你就有問題 我不好時 你就有好事 我們何時才能一起享福啊 一起當貴婦 遠在瑞士的Lilian是不可能了
My Darling Girlfriend , NO Matter what you decide to do ...... I will always be here for you .......... You are always welcome to call me at any time you feel like to ...
like I have mentioned , if you want , you can always come to mine to stay for a few days ..... LOVE YOU !!!
- Aug 08 Tue 2006 11:33
feeling under the weather ~ I am allergic to Taiwan !!台灣過敏症