
Last night went to bed a lot later than I wanted to ....  but still woke up early as I needed to buy something for the SD card ....  

As I was looking at myself in the mirrorthis morning  ,trying to decide how I was going to do with my hair to day .... I suddenly remember that a friend said to me that he liked me wearing my hair down .....  I looked really sexy with my hair down....  still can feel the admiration in his voice and eyes ..... you know the way that makes women feel like they are the most beautiful in the world ....    I like him a lot .... but unfortunately ... there are some other issues between us .....  but we still talk to wach other .... only in differernt countries ..... ha ha   WHo knows what will happen in the future ....  
忽然想起有人用一種帶著讚賞的口氣跟眼神跟我說  "我很喜歡你把頭髮放下來的樣子 很性感   "    今天早上看著鏡子正在考慮今天的髮型時 忽然想起他說的話  當有個男人這樣跟你說時 你真的絕得自己是世界上最美的人 哈哈    我滿喜歡這個朋友的 雖然他人在美國 我們還彼此有連絡 有一些因素所以目前我們只能當朋友  但是誰知道未來會發生什麼事  ....... 

Most of  Taiwanese MEN would like me puting my hair up.....   but for westerners ...they would give differernt opinions.....   
奇怪的是 大部分的台灣男生都喜歡我把頭髮綁起來 但是我遇到的外國人就會決得頭髮放下來好看     
阿  我自己也不知道哪一個好看了   綁起來 或是 放下來  

Should I put my hair uo or out it down ??????   ahhhh....................................  I don't know which one I like either .....


    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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