I don't know why I have been so busy everyday .... even during the weekend since I got back from Florida , I have been busy talking with many different people .... trying to solve their problems ... trying to be their " trash can " - be a good listener ..... but I find that I have so little time for myself .....I have not finished my scrap book yet .... but at least , I have strated to see some good results ....
我不知為什麼我會每天一直忙忙連週末也是 一直忙著跟人說話 試著幫人解決問題 聊聊心事 當當人家的垃圾桶 我發現我居然沒啥麼時間給自己靜下來作一些事 比如說我的剪貼本到現在還沒做好 不過很高興這陣子的瞎忙似乎有點好結果
just yesterday late evening , a new friend of mine invited me to go to Nan Tou for the weekend .... I looked at my schedule and surprised myself that I hadn't had anything planned for this sunday .... was thinking to relax at home.... but the invitation is hard to say no to ..... and plus that I usually have a lot of classes on saturday , but I had only two this saturday ( of course, it's because of the summer vacation ) so I decided to rearrange my classes
... ha ha ...SUN MOON LAKE , here I come - l have aways wanted to go there ....but never really tried hard to make it happen ..... SEE ? I don't say " never HAD time " , because the truth is I could have made time if I had really wanted to ..... people often say " I don't have time " ...and it has become a habit ... an excuse ....
昨天一個新朋友邀我一起去南投這個週末 看了看我的行程表 居然這星期天還沒計畫 雖原來打算好好休息一下 但是實在是難以拒絕跟一群同好去攝影的大好機會 決定這又是上天的 旨意 否則一向周六非常忙碌的我 居然這週六只有兩個學生 當然這是因為暑假期間 之後可就沒這種好事了 所以當下決定調課 日月潭 我來了 一直都想去 但是從來沒去排時間 我不說沒空去 因為事實上只要我們願意 我們自然就會挪時間出來 人常常把"沒時間"掛嘴上 久了就變成一種習慣藉口
Looking forward to this trip so much ....... should be able to take a lot of great photos ...... 真的很期待 應該可以拍到很多照片
I have been helping some people for the past two weeks ...well, for me , it's kind of helping them ..... someone I know said something which worried me a lot ... it can't be healthy for what is in his head .... and I sort of feel guilty about what happened to him .... though we all have to be responsible for our actions ...
What can I say .... I am a nice person ......
過去這兩星期對我來說是一直再幫助別人 再某種程度上算是 有位朋友說了一些令我擔心他的心理狀況的話 我絕得他的一些想法很不健康 當然部份我絕得我需要為他的情況負點責 雖然人都是要為自己的行為負責任 但是誰叫我是各好人呢
I have talked to a few people ( my new friends ) about what he said ... they think some people might seem to be very confident about themselves but in fact it 's the self-abased that makes them to arm themselves with fake confidence . . . .they actually need recognition from others ..... well.....maybe for some people ....but I can't think of anything that he should be inferior about ..... he has pretty good life .... comparing to a lot of people .... But that bugs me when he said that he may sounded confident but he is not ..... I thought I was the complicated one , but looks like now I am not .................. I don't torment myself with all the negative things from him anymore .... that 's what got me into trouble ...
我跟一些談過他的狀況 他們認為有些人或許是因為自卑而產生一種自信 所以他們會武裝自己 或許別人是這樣 但是我想了想 這個人似乎沒什麼好自卑的 他的人生必一班人好多了 但是讓我很抓狂 當他說他或許聽起來很自信 但是他並不是 我還以為我自己是各複雜的人 結果他才是 我現在已經學會不再從他那裡吸收一些負面批評 因為這就是我當初讓我自己陷入一種憤恨情緒的原因 聽了太多他說的話
And my other friend who has finally come out a great idea in order to save her marriage ........ so far it has been working quite well this way ..... Good luck to her !
另一個朋友終於想出一個拯救他婚姻的好方法 目前為止一切順利 加油喔
as for the Good news I heard from a friend ....... well....... I am really sorry to hear that she lost her baby ...... can understand how they must feel ..... luckily , she is very optimistic , and I am sure something wonderful will happen to her again ...... :)
上星期聽到的好消息 很不幸的今天獲知 寶寶留不住了 可以了解他們一定很難過 幸運的我這個朋友天性樂觀 我確定上天會眷顧他們的 很快的應該又會有好消息 因為他們都是善良的人
I like surprises .... life is full of surprises ..... and I do believe that everything happens for a reason ..... we can always benifit by all the experiences in life , even the bad ones .... for example , I have benefited greatly from my break-up , it depends how you look at things .....
我喜歡驚奇 生命真是充滿驚喜 我真的相信事出有因 我們總是能從生活經驗受益 即使是壞的經驗 比如說 我從我的分手事件中收穫很多 其實是看你從什麼角度去看事情
Live hard ,and live well..... 努力生活 好好生活 大家加油喔
- Aug 25 Fri 2006 20:26
Going away for the weekend ~ SUN MOON LAKE