

Taipei Martyrs' Shrine  台北忠烈祠   ~ The Martyrs Shrine, located right next to the The Grand Hotel. built in 1969. Its grand and magnificent architectural style is similar to that of the Taihe Dian Imperial Palace in Beijing, Mainland China, and symbolizes the martyrs' brave spirit. 


  this is the first time I have been there .....   took a lot of photos .... feeling like a tourist , especially when there were many other JAPANESE and CHINESE tourists around you taking pictures as well....      

we went for lunch then we saw a movie - SUPERMAN RETURNS , I am not sure if I like this new superman .......   great special effects though . 
this new superman movie focus more on his romance ....  feel sorry for him that he will never be with the woman he loves , but that's his destiny and his choice .... I don't want to marry SUPERMAN ...that's for sure , he won't be a good husband .....  perhaps he will be a good lover bed .  ha ha    

after the movie , we went to Taipei Martyrs' Shrine , I took 44 pictures there , and then we headed to the riverbank park for walks and photographs .... saw many people there riding bikes , playing baseball , softball, and even playing CROQUET 槌球  and kids playing ice hockey ( only with roller-blades instead of ice-skates ) 
people walikng their dogs there , enjoying a sunday afternoon there ....   quite cool ....   


    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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