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Happy birthday to Nancy !! 

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Sandy said " He is childish " 

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Yesterday evening  I was giving an English lesson at Chung Hwa Telecom ,  as my students were reading out loud  their New Year resolutins that I had asked them to write the week before ...      I noticed there is one thing in common about their resolutions ...  there are so many things that they hope to achieve this year ...  
昨天晚上再跟中華電信員工上課時   聽著每個人輪流念著自己的新年新希望我要求他們做的功課   我發現有個共同點  他們都希望自己今年可以做到很多事    

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 Sandy  shares an old song on her blog ,  which I heard it a long time ago , it's a chinese song - I think the singer's  English name is " Freya " 林凡    
the lyrics to this song says "  假裝自己不曾愛過 - pretending that you have never loved before "   .. I think what the lyrics is singing is more like  

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I was asked to describe myself to people who don't know me .....        later , I find out that how everyone's answesr to this are quite different...  and to my surprise, not so many people filled in " attractive " .....    and that is the first answer I picked to describe myself ....  is it me being too confident ? or cocky ?  

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今天中午跟一位朋友碰面     聽到他的人生新計畫 真是又羨慕又忌妒       

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I don't understand why there are people who are willing to give up their marriages , some have been married for a long time , just for another NEW love  , or some just because of the difficulties they are facing in their life , perhaps there is a mis-communication problem , pressure , stress coming from work , money ...  child-rearing problems....     BUT do they really know what is it that they are throwing away????       they can't deal with all the stress , pains . ..problems now , so they might as well just run away from them and have a new start ....   ??     

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don't know how I managed to find time to finish one more scarf ....   I have done one for Nancy ....   and I just finished another one ....   
不知我是如何又完成另一條圍巾 在上星期完成給Nancy的後 又不知不覺中完成這條 原先買來搭給 Nancy的圍巾 後來發現不行 於是多的毛線 就手癢的又買線來完成 

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我的郵件包裹還算多 所以常常會遇到同一個郵差 久了大家都認得 若是我不在家 他還會主動請鄰居幫我代收 在路上遇到還會打招呼

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Tanya 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

(感謝Tracy的分享 )真是夭壽的好笑!!!!!!

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Tweezing, shaving, waxing, electrolysis, lasers, pharmaceutical creams etc are the ways for women , especially , to remove our unwanted hair in many different body areas .
除毛 各種方式都有 從用拔的 刮的 除毛臘 雷射 脫毛膏等等 特別是女人用來除掉身上各部位不美觀的毛

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What a lovely lovely today ... a perfect day for hiking and outdoor activities ....

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something has had a dramatic change in the past week ....... I haven't told my best friends anything about it yet...
instead , I told a couple of new friends .... I can't explain why I am doing this ...

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