
What a lovely lovely today ... a perfect day for hiking and outdoor activities ....

The sun is shining , blue sky .... ahh........... I wish I had time to take the car and out taking pictures ...

今天天氣真的很好耶 暖暖的陽光 藍天 真適合去爬山或從事戶外活動 啊 真希望我今天有空開車出去拍照 可惜星期四都是最忙的時候

I felt that I was a vegetable growing taller , a flower opening up in the sun while I was waiting for the bus ... I tried to expose myself in the sun .. it was a comfortable feeling , but other people I saw were trying to stay in the shade ..

今天下午再等公車時 忽然覺得自己像一根? 一隻? 一種?蔬菜 吸收陽光長大 儘可能讓自己暴露再陽光下 那種暖暖的光照在身上很舒服 可是就有一些人躲在陰暗處避陽光

我好想出門去玩喔 ........................

I wanna go out ..............................................

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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