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  誰說外表不重要     看看台灣到處都看到很多"過度包裝"的產品   大家都說要環保  可是這些商家推出這些美美的商品卻也是業績一樣好

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  Ahhh... I wanna go to his concert !!!!!!!!!  May 17th 

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  本週六日   3/8 3/9    兩天    

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今天晚上 又掉了眼淚

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Happy  Lover's Day  !!   

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  been busy with a couple pf things .......      

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                                                 wish everyone a VERY MERRY X'MAS  and a  fulfilling NEW year of 2008  !!

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have been busy with a  few things recently ,  one of them is " planning for our vacation in Taiwan " 

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  各位 打算 要一起跨年的親愛朋友們   

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Pre- Celebrate NEW YEAR 2008 Dinner Party on 12 /29 

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   There are a few places in the world that I would like to go if I have the chance ...    

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  Haven't been feeling too well recently ...        symptoms are dizziness , pains in my head , my bowels , my lower back ...    and  NO , I am not pregnant ..  :)  Thank you for your concerns    

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親愛的姊妹們      大家在"小 希家 " 討論的 火雞跨年趴   ............  若是 大家都確定 要在31日晚上     之後的後續節目 我有各建議   

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Father And Mother, I  Love You.  

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新成員 一號      Osim  imedical   按摩椅          

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   My parents are home from their trip to  Xi- An , China 

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