There are a few places in the world that I would like to go if I have the chance ... The Seven Wonders of the Medieval Mind The Seven Natural Wonders of the World The Seven Underwater Wonders of the World The Seven Wonders of the Modern World The Seven Forgotten Natural Wonders of the World The Seven Forgotten Modern Wonders of the World The Seven Forgotten Wonders of the Medeival Mind
這世界上有幾各地方 我若是有機會我想要去 ~
The Stonehenge in England
埃及的 金字塔 以及人面獅身像
The Pyramid and Sphinx in Egypt
Taji Mahal , India
印度的 泰姬陵
African Safari - 還有我的最愛 非洲野生動物Safari
of course , there are much more world wonders that are worth going ....... have a look at these WONDERS
當然世界上值得去的奇景奇觀有好多 下面有各列表 列出一些 給大家作參考 :)
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World