Pre- Celebrate NEW YEAR 2008 Dinner Party on 12 /29
here is the Menu
( 菜單中文版內容請到Sylvia那裡看 )
Louisiana Mashed Potatoes with Bacon, Giblet Gravy, Dried Cherry with Cranberry Sauce, Grilled
Vegetables, Sweet Corn Salsa, Louisiana Corn Bread Stuffing, Sweet Potato Bread, and, of course, the
turkey (6kg.)-- for NT$3000.
English Roast Beef (2.5kg) at NT$3,800 and includes Mashed Potatoes with Bacon, Beef
Gravy, Horseradish Sauce, Grilled Vegetables, Sweet Corn Salsa, and Sweet Potato Bread.
No holiday feast would be complete without pumpkin pie and The Deli hasn‘t forgotten that either. Freshly baked pumpkin pies (9 inch) are available at NT$480
Cheese Fondu (起士鍋)
and hopefully , a lot of desserts ...
wine ...alcohol ...
希望會有很多甜點 可以吃 很多酒可以喝 誰會調酒的 ? 徵求調酒師一名
games to paly ...
Luckily, we have the 30th to rest before the NEW YEAR's EVE ....
幸好 我們大家還有隔天星期天可以休息 準備31號的跨年
Activities in January -
Paintball Combat
唱歌 以及 漆彈大戰