Father And Mother, I Love You.
爸爸 和 媽媽 我 愛 你們
為什麼男人需要一個妻子(WIFE)? why does a man need a WIFE ? F---Food 做飯 E---Entertainment 讓老公開心 為什麼女人需要一個丈夫(HUSBAND)? why does a woman need a HUSBAND ? S---Sharing 分擔 B---Buying 購物 A---and 以及 N---Never 從來不 D---Demanding 讓人費心
那是因為妻子 : that's because :
W---Washing 洗衣
I---Ironing 熨衣
Tanya : Shxx ! in this case , I will never be a good wife .... I don't do the " WI " , but I think I can manage the " FE "
那是因為丈夫 : that's because :
H---Housing 提供住房
U---Understanding 理解