had a good week last week ....
went to " Kung Kuan " with Jo .... saw this BIG green onion pancake ....
有個愉快的一周 跟jo去公館 路上看到 宜蘭超大蔥油餅
於是 加入 排隊列伍 so I also joined the other people in the line ....
yeah..... can't wait for my onion pancake ... 耶 等不及來吃超大蔥油餅囉
之後 還吃了 燒仙草 .................... 有人還吃了炒麵 ....喝了咖啡 ...................
later we had more food ...and went shopping ..........................................................................
還逛街 買了一堆有的沒的 .....................
Saturday night , had this excellent " lamb stew pot " with my family and firends ............
星期六 來到 合江街 的 "車庫"羊肉盧 名字叫做車庫 是因為 他真的就在民宅的車庫裡營業 未掛招牌
紙接受當天訂位 七個人吃了兩個中鍋- 紅燒 及清燉 還有 羊油麵線等等 一個人才400左右
it's called the " garage " lamb stew pot , because it's located in the garage of a residence ... don't take reservations in advance , have to call the day you wish to go ...
it's worth trying .... 北市合江街93巷10號 [電話] (02)2503-9503 [營業] 18:00~24:00 (週日公休)
參考更多 車庫羊肉爐 的介紹 請看 http://www.ivanlee.idv.tw/ivanlee/index.php?setdate=200701&setday=10 ( 發現 艾文 也去吃過 )
after that ...
yes .... riding in the cable car to " mao kung " ... :) 吃完羊肉爐 五人跑去撘貓空纜車 很幸運的 因為時間很晚 所以沒什麼人
我的 手機 N 95 照相功能 還真是不賴 哈
最愛的是 可以用悠遊卡 the best part is ... we can use " easy card " for this ... cool
好笑的 招牌英文翻譯 忽然絕得 來到 大陸
原本想看看 這裡是否有一些歩道可以直接走上貓空 然後再撘纜車下山 不過 似乎 從地圖上看不出來有一調步道有直接上到貓空的樣子
酒釀芝麻湯圓 :)
然後 下山時 有人說肚子又餓了 於是 就去 景美夜市 吃宵夜
then just on the way down , someone said that he was hungry again ..... so we all went to the nearby night market for food
oyster omelet - which is chosen as their most popular local food by the foreigners in Taiwan
雙蛋蚵仔煎 ..................
難怪 最近 越來越胖 ................. no wonder I have put on weight lately ....