

went to  " Caves Book store " this afternoon ...  and I found these 2 books that I think are quite good ...    easy to understand , with their better layout in the books ..

most of the Chinese- learning books are printed in simplified Chinese  , and the expressions , grammar are also a bit different from  the Chinese we speak in taiwan .  

however , the one on the right , which is published by " Caves Books LTD " is all in " Tradtional Chinese " and with " Taiwanese -like " expressions  

the one on the left , is a pretty smart book ...       it gives you really clear examples of pronunciation tips on the 4 different tones that most foreign learners have problem with ...      

just like it says in the introduction -  this book is to aid those who wish to speak  REAL chinese rather than the dry textbook style taught all over the world . No one really speaks textbook English , and the same is true of Chinese ....    
for instance ,   it introduces how to say " horny guy "  (色狼) in Chinese ...( suh- lang )     

   teaching someone to speak Chinese is a challenge  :)    but I know that my " HB " can learn very fast ... according to our " learning plans "      

Luckily , my HB really wants to learn , not easily embarrassed if he makes mistakes .. he has got  a good listening comprehension and the most importantly , he makes an effort to try ... :)      

  你們若是有看過 大多數 外國人的中文教材  大概會昏倒    因為   除了是簡體中文外   連語法都是大陸中文    甚至連當地大陸人可能都不見得會用這樣語法跟一班人對話

大多的教材都是 很 "制式"的中文     很不生活化    

我發現  這兩本書  一本是敦煌出版   因此  很難得的看到是  教 "台灣中文"書        一些簡單對話       

另一本  是新加坡出版   當然 也是簡體字   不過   他是 非常口語化的中文       跟一班看到的都不一樣      編排也很清楚    介紹發音也很詳細   

  加上   到這星期日   在中山北路上的敦煌書局  因為班新家  因此  所以的書 都打  68折   都是 原文書喔      很多語言學習的書   真的超划算  有興趣得可以去撿便宜

最近  開始陪他 練習中文     幸好  弟一  他真的很想學    弟二   他不怕丟臉    弟三   他聽力滿好        弟四    也是最重要的   他很有心想學  

因此  我只好  開始  想想  該如何用方法  教中文       有趣 又有效率    ............................   忽然之間  很佩服  國小老師   要教小朋友 中文 ....還要交成語  ....      



    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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