
I try to imagine that one day my husband admits  that he has slept with another girl before we get married , after we have started dating ........  What would I do ? and How would I feel ..... the more important is How SHOULD I feel about it ??    sometimes when it comes to SEX , there seems to be no MORALS at all......   Men can sleep with girls whom they don't want to have any serious relationships with  .......  in their minds, SEX is SEX , LOVE is LOVE ...........     WHY WHY WHY ??    and why there are some men hope to have better sex after they have got LOVE ....  ??   

I have a question ,  WHAT does a MAN say to a woman after he has slept with her ,and he has no intention in having relationship with her ?    Does he say : " Oh , that was wonderful sex  we had , and I will call you sometime to see how you are .... " ???     More I have heard about men and sex ..... the lower I think of men .......  What's wrong with you guys ????   So far , I haven't met  a man who could tell me that he wouldn refuse a "FREE MEAL" when it comes to him ......     Men are idiots or what kind of ANIMALS are you .......???        
我有個疑問 當一個男人在和一個他並沒意願發展感情的女人上床後 他會跟她說什麼 他會說 "喔 那是很棒的性 我有空打給你看看你好不好 " ?  我聽越多關於男人與性之間的事 我對男人的評價就越低 你們男人是怎麼了 ??  目前為止我還沒遇到一個男人可以告訴我他會拒絕"一頓免費大餐" 送上們的為何不拿 男人是白痴嗎? 還是你們是哪種動物??  
Men are animals ...we are animals , but what makes us be different from animals is " moral" ..... animals don't have morals .... they can have sex  with anyone....  but we, humans have morals, we can choose whether to have sex with this woman or not , doesn't matter she is volunteer or not .....  perhaps we all give ourselves a better , more acceptable reason to make us feel better by saying " she wanted to sleep with me .... or I also like her , but just not that much to get involve in a relationship with her ....."  Personally , I think it's a very cheap and unmoral behaviour of MEN .....    How about the women you sleep with ?? Does every one of them just want to have a one night stand with you ???  I do not think so ........   男人是動物 但因為人有道德觀所以這讓我們與動物有所區分 不要在給自己找藉口說反正對方是自己送上來的 我是喜歡她 但是還不夠喜歡到睡了她後想繼續跟她交往 不要在騙自己了 否則去當種豬算了 我們是有選擇能力的 好嗎 ? 

Any comment  ???

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    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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