妳是屬於草香形象       http://hk.geocities.com/hataryuhk/game.htm

擁有非常堅強的意志  不依賴他人 給人獨來獨往的印象   (Tanya :  聽起來滿機車的樣子 )
have strong will and do not rely on the other people   often give people the impression that you are a loner 
 擁有旺盛的好奇心與豐富的感受性  是個過著知性生活的現代人   (Tanya : 我是真的很好奇 )
with exuberant curiousty and rich receptiveness , you are a modern person who lives in a sensible life  ( I am really curious ) 
驟看下妳是個自命清高 不好相處的人  但是一但跟你交談後 就知道你很好相處   (Tanya : Self-oppressive , That's me 其實就是悶騷 )
You seem to be a snob , not easy to be with , but people know that you are easy going once they have talked to you
等到交情加深後 就更知道妳其實擁有很爽快的個性 
after they have got to know you more , then they know that you actually have a very delightful personality
妳所擁有的中性化魅力  讓你不論在男性團體或女性團體都大受歡迎  ( 我其實上輩子是男的 ) 
you are popular among  both male and female friends because of your special neuter charm  
不過你不喜歡讓人看到妳脆弱的一面  妳外表上看來也許很冷靜   ( 我承認以前真的是這樣 現在我不管了 )
however, you don't like people to see your frailness, so you might seem to be calm outside   (I admit that I used to be like that , but now I am learning to let go )
但實際上卻是熱情如火 能夠知道你真正本性的人 才能夠跟你天長地久的走下去   ( 真正本性?? 邪惡的本性嗎?    )

But in fact, you are a passionate person  , the person who truly understands you  , will be the one who spends his life with you ....   

真的是滿準的 不過你們說呢 ?  Thanks Kelly for forwarding this test to me .......  :) 

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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