APRIL. 22  ( almost midnight )  

: still 42kg (actually it was 43 a few days ago…)
New discovery : can actually fit in my sister’s jeans (my sister is very thin ) 
A surprise : ran into a friend of mine with his family outside a restaurant in Tien Mu (their two two boys are really cute …and along with their friends whom I have met a few times before ….and gee….how fast time flies , now each of them is married and with children  )
Thinking of him: twice 
What did I buy : a pair of shoes ( I need a big house )
What I enjoyed the most : the conversations I had with my friend and the food we had in the restaurant ….   Yummy  
My challenge : had German sausages which are made of “PORK” and beef (and most of you know that Tanya doesn’t like pork )  
My missions of the day : to be able to remember whatever Miguel is going to teach us today in the Spanish class and find a Café to finish the book I have been reading 
Question of the day : the wonderful moments in my life  
(I saw someone has this on her blog .....  I think it's interesting to think about )

< 生命中的美好時刻 >

〈一個人〉 WHEN YOU ARE ALONE ......

1. 發現自己戀愛了。   Tanya "YES"
2. 知道喜歡的人也愛著你的時候。 (Oh.... YES )
3. 安靜的喝完早上第一杯熱咖啡沒有任何人打擾。

4. 看到一本好書。 (feel the same )

5. 失而復得。

6. 睡到自然醒。

7. 躺在床上聽沙沙的雨聲。

8. 坐在長窗前看雨打在葉子上。(for Tanya : is looking at snow falling )

9. 從收音機裡聽到一首讓你想起某人的歌。(in this case which has happened a lot to Tanya ... but usually makes me cry )

10. 一根薄荷煙配一杯「多倫多」〈橘子味伏特加 + CANADA DRY,很多碎冰〉。

11. 在去年冬天的大衣口袋裡找到五十塊錢。

12. 坐在三十樓陽台上看北國冬日黃昏色彩瑰麗豔麗華麗至一見難忘的晚霞。

13. 剛剛剪出一個非常滿意的髮型。 ( HA HA HA Tanya is totally agree with this one )

14. 收到信〈而不是只有帳單、帳單、帳單〉。( I remember when I first started      dating,always felt my heart beating so fast and excited when u received an email or a message from my date ... those are wonderful feelings  )

15. 忽然發現自己沒有敵人只有朋友。

16. 成功的實驗出一道美味新菜餚。( yes.... when the food you cook makes peopel go .."wow")

17. 陰天坐在窗明几淨冷香的屋子裡聽莫文蔚。(Tanya: listening to James Blunt or Nora Jones's albums in a quite afternoon )

18. 吃到渴望已久的食物。( I think my dear friend - Lilian will 100% agrees with me )

19. 洗一個寧靜芬芳的泡泡浴。

20. 無聊的時候接到好友的電話問候。(yes yes yes  )

21. 開車經過美麗的風景。

22. 大風的午后手插在牛仔褲裡步履輕盈的走路。

23. 躺在草地上看毫無遮蔽廣闊開揚的澄澈藍天。( I had a similar experience like this , but was looking at the starry night sky on the lawn .....   was amazing )

24. 第一次進羅浮宮。 (  For Tanya ..... my first in DISNEY LAND in LA  .....   Oh ..miss it so so so much ...... my MICKEY MOUSE )

25. 知道喜歡的人也快樂。( knowing the person u like is happy ...hummm, I agree ... )

26. 香檳。

Tanya : Found the dress that  I  had been looking for in a long time ......   yes yes yes .....

Tanya : holding a koala in my arms at the zoo in Australia 

Tanya: met new friends 

Tanya : knowing someone is caring for you 


27. 一個溫柔纏綿不疾不徐彷彿你們有全世界時間的吻   ( Tanya : I want more than just one kiss .....  I like morning kisses ...  without the bad breath bit though )

28. 緊緊的擁抱。 ( Tanya :  humm... a strong big BEAR hug .... I miss those hugs   )

29. 看完午夜場電影在靜寂的街上散步。 ( not that Tanya doesn't like taking a walk with my boyfriend after a mid night show ..... but just think of the disgusting "COCKROACHES" I might see in the streets ..... NO , I don't think so )

30. 吃火鍋。

31. 愛人握住你的手。( of course ....  )

32. 在塞納河畔跳一隻探戈。

33. 有人陪你看夕陽/晨曦/星夜……( tried to think really hard if I have ever had this experience with my ex boyfriend .... not really... probaly always with someone else with us )

34. 頭靠在強壯厚實的肩膀上看電視。( this is my favorite thing to do )

35. 起床時早餐已經做好。

36. 跟朋友痛痛快快的大吃大喝談天說地。 ( definitely ....  )

37. 好久不見的朋友情誼仍舊不減當年。(  yes ..... no doubt )

38. 心愛的人對你說我愛你。 ( that's the most wonderful thing we want to hear from the person u love   )

39. 一家人坐在聖誕樹下穿著睡衣喝熱巧克力拆禮物。 (  with your family members together having dinner and talking every Monday  )

Tanya : on my 30th birthday that my ex proposed to me ....  

Tanya : the first kiss 

Tanya : the Xmas at my teacher's house in Canada 

Tanya : My dog  is healthy and sleeps next to me every night 

Tanya : wake up and see my love one lying next to me and smiling at me

Tanya : talking with friends and knowing my friends are happily married 

 Tanya : getting a morning call from my boyfriend 

〈媽媽篇〉 WHEN YOU ARE A MOTHER     ( well.... anyone who is a mother here , you are welcome to leave a comment )

40. 確定有孕的那一刻。

41. 三個月大的嬰兒對你微笑。

42. 孩子第一次回答OUI〈叫媽媽/站起來/用廁所/說謝謝……〉。

43. 看小孩在沙灘上光著屁股亂跑。

44. 孩子揹起書包去上學跟你揮手說拜拜的時候。

45. 跟你的幼兒一起泡在浴缸裡唱歌打水仗。

46. 看到小孩第一次吃到冰淇淋又驚又喜的表情。

47. 你的幼兒搖搖晃晃的走過來給你一個吻。

48. 孩子在你臂彎中沉沉睡去。

49. 你的小孩為你唱不成調的生日快樂歌然後搶著吹蛋糕上的蠟燭。

50. 忽然發現自己穿得進懷孕前的牛仔褲。




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    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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