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We ( me and my boyfriend ) went to YehLiu and Chu fen again today .... with my pgotography class ........    we met at 2:00 but we only left there at 12 midnight .....  What a day .....  今天又跟攝影班去野柳跟九份 我們大家下午兩點碰面結果半夜12點才結束   

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居然華納現在很有異國風 還有街頭表演 真棒 不過只顧著拍照沒給他們錢 真是不好意思   

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I saw a Polish movie called " Warsaw" this evening with a lot of new friends and my "bf" ....  It's surprising to see so many foreigners there for this so called " art movie " ...  I have always liked this kind of movie ....  well, it seems like there aren't any movies that I don't like ... I am just a very easy-going person    
我今天晚上跟一群新朋友還有我的"男友"看了 一不波蘭電影 逐夢天堂   滿驚訝看到那麼多外國人再那看所謂的藝術電影 我一直都很喜歡看藝術電影  不過 我幾乎沒有不看的電影 我還真是隨便啊 

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那天拍了 一些照片 看了看不知該選哪一個 決定大家投票表決 哈哈哈
Can't decide which one looks better .... take a vote ....  ha ha ha   

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THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ...........     My friend Iris forwarded me this photo to me ....   She got this from her friend in her photography class ....  obviously , someone took this while we were in Chung Tai Temple last time .....   it's such a cool photo ..... I like it a lot .....   never knew that's how I look with my camera ...  

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Share with you ~ " 
"You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. 

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Something my friend told me  ~ "  If people are truly, madly, deeply in love with each other, they will find a way

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First when I looked at it ...I thought it was some kind of  spiritual activity ..... ha ha    我一開始還以為是照到什麼靈異現象

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another Ghost month ........   so I am putting on one of the photos of the many Buddhas, Gods I took in one of the temples we visited over the weekend ..... ( I have never been to so many temples in two days )   Hopefully , with his magical power that can bring you good luck and protect you from evil spirits .... ha ha  

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 what an odd looking building ...很奇怪長相的房子 

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we - me , Roy , Tiffany and my dog - Nyo Nyo left my house at 12 :40 for ChuiFen ..... I know I know ... Roy is a very lucky guy to be in his car with 3 girls...  
we had lunch in ChiuFen - fish ball soup  and some taro /sweet potato balls ..... yummy yummy !!  

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Sorry.... Tanya has been really busy today...   plus I am still very NEW to " photoImpact " ....   it took me a while to figure everything out ..  
 因為今天很忙所以沒時間 加上我還是photoimpact的新新新手 花了我很久才搞懂 

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Thank my little MODELS -  Alex , Elizabeth, Jonay and  Jonathan  for all these great photos ...  

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 when Tanya has a bad day ... I treat myself to really nice ice cream... look at the BLUE Sky ( if there is one ) and picturing myself lying on the beach ......... My new discovery ~ blue skies help to calm me down magically .  How about you ? what do you do when you have a bad day ??

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