
Thank my little MODELS -  Alex , Elizabeth, Jonay and  Jonathan  for all these great photos ...  

Sometimes our plans fail and we feel frustrated .... even wonder if we are able to achieve anything again .... 有時我們遇到失敗 感到挫折 懷疑我們永遠無法完成任何事

 But DON"T give up yet ...Let's TRY again .... and again ....   但是別放棄 讓我們再試一次  再一次 又一次 ..... 

YOU MIGHT BE SURPRISED ...... well, after you have tried 1000 times ....... 或許在你試了1000次後 ......

There is the smile, now I can see your lips are curling up up up a little ... ..... Look at this beautiful smile .....Everything is going to be okay !  as long as we do not give up our hope .

我們可以看到你的嘴角正在上揚 多美的笑容啊 ! 
每件事都會好轉 只要我們不放棄希望.... 
NO more FROWNING ... 別再皺眉了 
Stop Whining ...別再抱怨
No more Excuses ..... 別再找藉口

Let's all LOVE together and be HAPPY forever ... 

to Tanya's friends .... students ...neighbors ...people I don't know ....  No matter where you are ....  what you are doing .... what you have planned for the future .... 

I wish you all the best and hope to see your smiley faces next time 


    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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