I saw a Polish movie called " Warsaw" this evening with a lot of new friends and my "bf" .... It's surprising to see so many foreigners there for this so called " art movie " ... I have always liked this kind of movie .... well, it seems like there aren't any movies that I don't like ... I am just a very easy-going person
我今天晚上跟一群新朋友還有我的"男友"看了 一不波蘭電影 逐夢天堂 滿驚訝看到那麼多外國人再那看所謂的藝術電影 我一直都很喜歡看藝術電影 不過 我幾乎沒有不看的電影 我還真是隨便啊
There is this guy (he tries to mug people ) first , he tried to carjack someone's car ..but he failed . then later he tried to mug another man , and he failed again and he got beaten up ... as he was running off , he stopped and got all angry when he heard the guy who he was trying to mug called him " Thief " , he turned around and said " I am not a thief ... if I can't find a job and have 4 kids at home to be fed " .... Interesting ..... How fast I changed my mind on this man from dispising to feeling sorry for him .... sometimes things are not as easy as we see/think ...... there is usually a reason behind it ...
電影中有那麼一個人 他試著搶劫 一開始 他先試著搶車 但是沒成功 後來又試著搶另一個人 結果被毒打一頓又失敗
當他正逃離現場時 他忽然聽到對方叫他" 小偷" 他停下歨轉身生氣的說 " 如果當我找不到工作而家中又有四個小孩要養時, 我不是小偷 " 恩 .....
這讓我從討厭這個人的情緒頓時轉為同情 事情有時真的不能只看表面
I had a very busy week last week... had a date with my boyfriend and then out drinking with my friends who I had not met in a long time .... was thinking to stay at home at rest a bit ... then my friend texted me to remind me about the movie .... we were in Hsin Yi area so I took the opportunity to take a few shots ...
though the sky was not perfectly blue , but it gives the photos a different feeling ...
我上星期都很忙 忙約會 忙上課 忙喝酒 哈哈哈 元想今天在家休息 結果幸好朋友提醒我今天要去看這部片 既然人在信義區所以就順便拍幾張照片囉 雖然天空不是那麼完美 但是也有一種不同風味
- Oct 02 Mon 2006 01:52
" Warsaw" 逐夢天堂