
We ( me and my boyfriend ) went to YehLiu and Chu fen again today .... with my pgotography class ........    we met at 2:00 but we only left there at 12 midnight .....  What a day .....  今天又跟攝影班去野柳跟九份 我們大家下午兩點碰面結果半夜12點才結束   

we stopped at a few places to take photographs before we made it to Yehliu ... we stayed there to practice the special skills from our great teacher ....  
It was really fun ....   and we met a friend from Korea ....   She just arrived in Taiwan yesterday , she speaks a little Chinese , Japanese and very good English , it turns out that she also studied in Canada ....  Our teacher  was especially Chu Fen after we had done our shooting in Yehliu .....   We all went to KeeLong first for dinner and beer .....   we took more ...actually a lot of photos while we were walking , eating and drinking ....................    
我們再去野柳路上停了幾處地方拍照 我們今天從我們偉大的老師學到一些特殊技巧   真的很好玩   接著我們遇到一位新朋友 他昨天才剛到台灣 會說一點點中文 及日文 英文說的很棒 結果他跟我一樣在加拿大唸書    我們的老師很愛美女   所以主動說要送他回九份 我們先去基隆吃晚餐 喝啤酒  接著又拍幾張 不 是拍很多張照片 吃飯也照 走路也照 喝酒也照

When your digital camera receives less light, it cannot absorb the surroundings as well in the resulting photographs. Some pictures may turn out too dark. Others can be too blurry. Your camera requires more time to absorb enough light to create an effective picture, so we need to compensate for the lack of lighting..with a powerful flash light ....   really cool ....  
夜間拍照因為燈光不夠 相機無法吸收週遭的光線而不辦法拍出照片  有些照片會太黑跟看不出來 又不就是變模糊  相機需要時間去吸收光線以拍出一張照片  所以我們需要 "補光" 利用一支超強力照明燈來補光   真的是很難學耶   

so we tried to use the flash light on the objects ... from different angles... and the time for exposure....  1 minutes , 3 minutes ...   我們是著從不同角度照在物體上 時間長短也影響照片成效  曝光一分鐘 曝光兩分鐘 所出來的都不一樣

see ! How different it makes .... without having the lights on the rocks for a few seconds before taking photographs ... it will be dark ...dark ....

over exposure ...曝光過度   補光的位置也不對    and the light on the wrong object ....  

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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