
We all got up really early and walked to the lake , after we had everything set up  then we started waiting for the sunrise .......................................  
but unfortunately .........  it was a bit foggy and I am still a beginner .......  a slow learner ....  very slow one ....    
I will do better the next  time ..... I promise ....  
可惜了我非常早起 四點起床 走到胡邊 再把所有東西都架好後 開始等日出 結果前一天下雨 天氣是霧霧的 加上我是一個學習很慢 非常慢的初學者    
勉強看看吧    下次會更好

I like SUN MOON LAKE ....  I don't think I have been there before .....  really pretty , though it is getting a bit more and more commercialize .....  more developed ...perhaps a bit  too much.... but I have no problem with having coffee at STARBUCKS ..... but I do have problem with the StarBucks there doesn't open until 9 in the morning..........   我喜歡日月潭 我想我應該是沒去過吧 很漂亮 可惜越來越商業化 也可以說是
迅速發展中 或許發展太快了 但是這樣的發展帶來了StarBucks 哈哈 這點我可是不反對 不過他們居然早上九點才開門 搞什麼啊 !!!        

Like the color ....  

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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