Sorry.... Tanya has been really busy today... plus I am still very NEW to " photoImpact " .... it took me a while to figure everything out ..
因為今天很忙所以沒時間 加上我還是photoimpact的新新新手 花了我很久才搞懂
It took us a long long time to finally find this "Geological Park " 花了我們兩個大路痴很久的時間找到這個地質公園
A bright bright sunny day ....
while we were enjoying our lunch........................... A naked boy was running around .....
KeeLung Night Market
Me and my freind drove to Yehliu on Sunday.... the weather was just perfect for a picnic ...and of course , for photography ( Tanya again took 100 pictures )
because we came back a bit late I haven't had the time to work on the photos yet ...perhaps later today ...
I don't think I had ever been to Yehliu before ... it is really pretty ... well, still can see some litter everywhere....
We are going to Chu- Fen 九份 this Wednesday ... anyone would like to come ??? let me know ...
the Photos are coming soon ~ 正在努力後製照片中 ~
Yehliu 野柳
Yehliu is one of Taiwan's most extroadinary scenic area . The coast line is covered with sandstone rocks that have eroded into bizarre forms , among the shape on view are a large slipper , a candle , lots of large eggs ..and of course , the famous QUEEN's HEAD ... ( which we didn't get a change to take a photo of, as there were too many other tourists taking pictures with it ... )
The Queen's head got its shape because its upper layers have eroded more slowly than its lower ones . Unfortunately , as the Queen's head has grown in popularity , the hands of curious sightseer have begun to seed its natural erosion . Today the neck is only 40 centermeters diameter at its narrowest point and is thinning by 0.2 to 0.5 centermeters annually .
我的朋友堅持要問路人到- 女王"蜂" 怎麼走
我就一直想 雖然我也不是很確定 但我就是覺得很奇怪的名字 哈哈 結果是女王"頭" 親愛的 你記得了嗎 ?
We had a really GOOD time ..... though I am already looking like THAI , I am so so so tanned ....but just can't stand NOT sitting in the sun... .. 雖然我已經夠黑了 像個泰勞 但是還是忍不住曬曬太陽
- Aug 14 Mon 2006 09:54
A day trip to Yehliu and KeeLung ~ 野柳一日遊