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  很討厭被拍照的狗   A dog who hates cameras and being taken photos ....      
我每次拿相機接進 就把頭轉開 左右夾攻 拿兩台拍他 他就轉後面 要不就低頭 用斜眼偷看 笑死我們了 天才Apple 

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Woke up in the morning and saw two comments already on my blog ..... that's a wonderful feeling - to know there are people who are willing to share what they know with you ...    :)   

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    感謝大家熱心幫我修圖   Thanks JO and Windflow for retouching the photos for me ......        Thank you very much     

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   MY GOODNESS !!!   HOW HOW HOW did my CPL get so fxxxxxx dirty ???        

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因為笨蛋Tanya沒注意到CPL弄髒了 結果好多照片的右邊都是髒髒的一片 光看就不知從何下手去拯救 加上感冒 目前只完成兩張 大家隨便看    

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    trying out upoading and viewing photos on " Flickr " .....    here is the link to my account on flickr ...     

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This Sunday morning went to Tung Hou Creek , Wu-Lai with Ryan , Rosa and Mars  ....    Had never heard of this place not to mention going there ....     I am told that Tung Hou creek is a preseved area which only allows 100 vehicles enter the mountains each day ....   so Ryan applied for a permit a couple of days before . 

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終於把36張底片拍完    結果因為用的是 Fuji   ISO 200 的底片    很多都因光線太暗而失敗    加上還是搞不清楚觀景窗與鏡頭的關係    
還得繼續培養我跟我的新男友的默契    加油   

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( taken without a CPL )

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 after meeting with two friends for coffee on Anhe Rd ,  I  walked to the nearby Eslite Bookstore and stayed in there from 5:50 till 10 this evening ...
What was I doing there ???       Will tell you next Sunday .....  It's a surprise .....  ..   

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好久沒去中正紀念堂了  剛好遇到雙十前夕 國旗飄揚 感覺很"愛國"

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