HB bought this expensive but extremely beautiful hand made walnut wood table ....
the guy who made the table also delivered it himself ... that was a nice surprise ..
考慮很久 他終於在幾週前訂下了這張桌子 核桃木手工做的桌子 - 當然價錢也非常的可觀
不過 考慮過 這張桌子很實用 有一張現這樣的核桃木桌子 是他的夢想之ㄧ....
所以在他40歲生日這年 他給自己兩個大禮物 - 一張桌子 一隻豪雅表 兩個的價錢是差不多的 可以買壹台不錯的車子....
the same night the table arrived , we also invited two special guests over for dinner ... Diana and Juerg
we had Taiwanese HOT POT for dinner
同晚桌子到達時 我們也邀請了兩位貴賓來家裡用餐 我們這次真的完全以台式火鍋為主題
we started with a cocktail - Cosmopolitain and my home made " sesame onion roll "
先以"柯夢波丹"雞尾酒 配上我的有點燒焦的蔥燒餅
他超愛這張桌子的 每天只要坐上去 就會輕輕摸著桌面說 真是依張美麗的桌子 ............
we had a huge Taiwanese HOT POT for dinner ... with some vegetable and Chinese mushrooms as the stock ...
that day ... I finally found " tofu " in Migros (supermarket ) 那天終於讓我在一堆起士中找到豆腐
果然這裡的豆腐 很不一樣 乾乾的 沒有香味
於是 我把他拿來 沾些混合麵粉遇米粉 做成炸豆腐 灑上芥茉胡椒鹽 配上蠔油 - 沒想到兩各瑞士人一個阿根廷人 吃的很開心
我還是絕得太乾 - 下次把他捏碎混合雞蛋 應該會比較好一點
當然還有 絕不可缺少的 牛頭牌沙茶醬 (醬油 大蒜 糖 辣椒醬 一點醋 還有一個蛋黃 )
沒想到 這個醬大受歡迎
除了蔬菜外 火鍋料還有 冬粉 蟹肉棒 新鮮大干貝 (這裡的冷棟干貝還滿便宜的)一大堆的牛肉肉片
冰箱中 還有雞肉 牛肉 以及 小牛牛肉 不過大家都吃不下了
4 people finished two bottles of really good red wine ... and a huge hot pot with some crab sticks , scallops , beef ... and vegetables .. green bean noodles ..
and my deep fried tofu ...
the next morning ... some people suffered from the wine ... ha ha but we still had a great evening at our brand new dinning table
雖然隔天 有些人頭痛因為喝太多 哈
- Oct 02 Thu 2008 21:26
~ Guests at home