
Is he Sexy and can even turn you on ??    Go to this link to see a photo of a man who has the " well toned "  front abdominal muscle  ....

Was having this discussion with a couple of friends ....   GOd Knows why we were talking about this .....   she thinks a man especially with the front lower abdominal muscle drives her crazy ......      after she has shown me the photo , I understand what she means .... it makes you want to pull his boxer down .....   ha ha .... 
but unfortunately , Tanya has only seen the English guy who didn't have  a six-pack , but a big PACK ........... ha ha ha  so it's hard for her to understand what does it feel like .....      to be honest , I am not sure a man with a six-pack  truns me on or not ......     or do I even think he is sexy ??    

My friend says after I have tried , I might like it .... ha ha ha ......   

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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