this morning took a swimming lesson with my friend/ swimming instructor - Mars .
went to this public swimming pool in a park - Youth Park . okay ... because it is a public one , so you don't pay much to get in .... but there is NO HOT WATER in the shower in the summer .... I have problem with that.... I love taking a hot shower or a bath .....
今天早上的游泳課還算順利 因為 我也沒迷路 不過 青年公園的游泳池 大是 大 也很便宜 可以 他們居然說 夏天沒溫水 連淋浴都是只有冷水ㄟ
這 讓我有點難接受 我超愛洗 超熱的熱水澡 ......................... 煩喔
the weather in the morning was overcast... but then soon in the afternoon.... Gosh , it is now 37 C and it's burning hot outside ...
早上天氣很舒服 雲曾遮住了大多的陽光 但是也夠讓泳池中的水溫溫的 很舒服 因為 我們兩個都怕冷水 哈哈哈
不過 下午 現在 天啊 像烤箱
before we left ... a lot of school kids came for their swimming lessons ..... it's kinda cute to watch them ... so I took my camera out and had a few shots
事的 我連游泳都有帶相機 剛好離開前看到一群小學生來上游泳課 這場面還真是壯觀 於是拍了 幾張 哈
in the park , there were people practicing Tai Chi ...
練太極拳的伯伯們 ......
游完後 決定去吃早餐 於是Mars 介紹一家在永和的豆漿店
we decided to have our breakfast ... so Mars showed me a popular breakfast store .... soybean milk
raddish pancake with eggs .. 蘿蔔絲蛋餅
然後 哈哈哈 Mars 拿出他在大陸自助旅行時買的紀念品要我選一個...... 我選了一個類似上圖的 ( 這個太大 )
這是一個 用 樹皮 作成的手環 上面 我以為是貝殼類的 其實是 "種子" ..... 很好看 剛好配我漸漸曬黑的膚色
then .. Mars took a couple of souvenirs he bought while he was traveling in China , I chose a bracelet like the one above , but only a smaller one as I have very slim wrists ... it is made of "bark " from some special trees .... and the " shell" things on it are actually " seeds " ... how cool is this ?! like it a lot ... it matches my "tanned " skin color now ...
Now ... I need a new anklet .....
- May 25 Fri 2007 14:26
~ cooling down