發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2007-05-19 ~ the only thing I can think of ... (1) (2)
2007-05-18 ~ How would you like to "DIE" tonight ? (0) (6)
2007-05-18 ~ Nice walk in the park 2 (0) (7)
2007-05-18 ~ Nice walk in the park 1 (0) (0)
2007-05-17 ~ More than words (言語之外) (0) (3)
2007-05-17 ~ Cameras vs People (0) (1)
2007-05-17 ~ Have I told you lately that I love you (0) (0)
2007-05-17 ~ 沒有如果,只有如此 (1) (0)
2007-05-17 ~ future (0) (2)
2007-05-16 ~ Don't boil broccoli (0) (1)
2007-05-16 ~ 關渡宮 (0) (0)
2007-05-16 ~ Past , Present and the future (0) (0)
2007-05-15 ~ sorry (0) (3)
2007-05-15 ~ One v.s Two (0) (4)
2007-05-15 ~ The Gap Year .. take ur chance (1) (2)
2007-05-15 ~ An old Fashion Barber in MingSheng (7) (4)
2007-05-15 ~ how you want your life to be like (1) (1)
2007-05-14 ~ 犯錯的勇氣 (1) (2)
2007-05-14 ~ quiet afternoon in Taipei (0) (3)
2007-05-13 ~ Happy Mother's Day ..Shopping Day (0) (8)
2007-05-12 ~寬容 Tolerance (0) (4)
2007-05-12 ~ Fly away (0) (1)
2007-05-11 ~ traveling in China (0) (2)
2007-05-11 ~ wine (0) (0)
2007-05-11 ~ Buying again (0) (3)
2007-05-11 ~ beautiful sky , beautiful mind (0) (5)
2007-05-11 ~ Especially for U (0) (1)
2007-05-11 ~ I don't want to forget about u (0) (0)
2007-05-11 ~ Never Gonna give you up (0) (0)
2007-05-11 ~ Kitty (0) (5)
2007-05-10 ~ why getting married ? (0) (0)
2007-05-09 ~ 蹓蛇 walk the snake (1) (0)
2007-05-09 ~ 芝柏山莊 ( 藝術村) (2) (19)
2007-05-09 ~ Nyo 妞 ( A Bitch on the beach ) (3) (4)
2007-05-09 ~ All your Life (0) (7)
2007-05-09 ~ 變胖中 (0) (4)
2007-05-08 ~ Timber Mill ruins (0) (0)
2007-05-08 ~不想讓你知道 (0) (1)
2007-05-08 ~ Walking into History (0) (0)
2007-05-08 ~ 桃米村民宿 (1) (6)
2007-05-08 ~ 傷痕 (0) (4)
2007-05-07 ~ 大稻埕 things we walk pass every day (4) (4)
2007-05-07 ~ Just Look up !! (0) (0)
2007-05-07 ~ A Cultural Tour in Da Dao Cheng ( 大稻埕 ) (0) (1)
2007-05-06 ~ Will you marry me ? (0) (5)
2007-05-06 ~ I really need vacation (1) (5)
2007-05-05 ~ 101 in the rain (2) (1)
2007-05-04 ~ Free Time 數位葡萄酒交易中心 (494) (5)
2007-05-04 ~ reflections (0) (3)
2007-05-04 ~ 熟悉 (0) (3)