--Susan Griffin
I love photography ... without this hobby ... I would not have been able to recover from my break up with Richard ... seriously , recently a few OLD friends of mine have asked me how I got interested in photography ...
the more I think about the reason why I am so into this and how much photograpgy has changed my life ... helped me go through the most difficult time in my life ...
I appreciate it ... I said to a recent divorced friend , as she was feeling really depressed ... had no energy to do anything at all but bitchiing about the "past " ... of course , we all have to go through the period of "bitching " time... but we can still think about the " past " while creating our " future " ... She has been advised to look for a hobby ... friends can't never be there for you ... not all the time ...
I am very fortuneate to discover this hobby at the beginning of my breaking up period ... ..
what I love about photography .... it gives me opportunities to practice my observation ... to be more insightful ... I started paying attention to theings, people around me ..on the way to work ...home....
the first thing in the morning I do now is to look out the window to see how the sky looks that day .....
when people are feeling down ...
I wasn’t seeing anything at all: I was stuck in the thoughts inside my own head. This is true, I suspect, for most of us--and inside the box of our thoughts can be a flat, dark, and comfortless place indeed.
Here is an antidote--an utterly simple one, and yet, like me, you may be surprised at how effective it is.
It changed my whole perspective, my entire outlook, and brought me not only comfort but real joy.
Here’s how you can try this easy way to feel instantly uplifted:
If you’re feeling down or stuck in your thoughts, look up!
Really see the sky: notice its colors, the patterns of buildings or branches against it. Are there birds flying? Follow them. Are there clouds? What do they remind you of? Can you tell what time of day it is from the light?
If you really pay attention to the patterns above you, you may see surprising things. What if you could accept, just for a few minutes, a belief of many indigenous peoples: that the whole world offers itself to us with the intention of giving us guidance?
That the world constantly wants to remind us how deeply connected we are to all of it?
~ from the internet