why are we all so fascinated with the future ?? because we all just want to actually hear that everythin is going to be ok .
I don't really believe in fortune tellers and I honestly believe that one's future basically depends on choices that you make everyday .
why worry about the unknown future ...?? don't we all hope to have a wonderful future .... however ... it's all in our own hands ... not your family ... friends ... or even your other half can decide what your future to be like for you ....
it;s Y O U
每一個人的命運 取決於 每一天 每一刻 所下的決定 選擇 ......
不用太擔心自己的未來 我們都希望聽到 我們的未來是美好的 不過 一切 還是掌握在自己手中 不是 父母 不是 朋友 不是伴侶 ....
是 .... 自己
the more you are aware of who you really are ... and what you really want ... the clearer your future will be ....
自己越清楚 自己的個性缺失 以及自己追求的是什麼 你對你的未來會清楚 ....