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         攝影  是我的嗜好       是可以讓我放鬆 腦袋放空的方法  

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   剛剛看電視新聞   才發現   

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 Date :   1 /6      Sunday     一月六日    星期天 

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   was asking my student what he wanted for Xmas from Santa ...          allowing yourself to dream is a great way to relax ...     I learned this from someone who is really special to me .      

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     一進入  142 招待所         只見 滿桌的 "肉"    鵝肉  鹹水雞  滷味鴨翅.....等等 還有  鮪魚蒸蛋  .....................    加上幾瓶  比利時啤酒  

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 Guess ... I am just having too much time on my hand these days .... 

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   I think ........... I am getting older .....        the bags under my eyes are getting bigger ...     soon enough ... I will need a face-lift surgery ...     

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this evening I got this phone call from - 447798893910 ..........   

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I don't like my nose .... because it has been having a lot of problems ... it's allergic to many things ....  polluted air , dust mites .. dogs and cats fur/hair ... and even to cold air ...   have been sneezing a lot and blowing my nose ...  

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  剛剛看 超級星光大道    

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tonight ...  coz I don't have to get up too early for my swimming lesson tomorrow morning , I decided to " activate" the " free chat " on SKYPE .... 

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 " swimming under the moonlight...  " ...............   

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can't believe that I actually locked myself out again.....        

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driving .....   and brought the Navigator with me ....  

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 goodness .....   okay , I now weigh 45kg....   consider of  my "height "- 156cm ....    it seems okay ....     

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居然 說   要一至三天 才會修好     正在想說 希望我是那一天的 時候 

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