
can't believe that I actually locked myself out again.....        

不敢相信  我又忘了帶鑰匙  又進不去    

幸好   我人在二樓  還有行動電話  打給學校 請他們看是否能夠幫我跟中華電信請假  因為沒錢 沒教材  怎麼去上課 

結果   學校說  要我還是坐計程車去 經過學校 先停一下 他們借錢給我  (原先要借我500元  我說不用那麼多 200就夠 )   

就帶著一隻手機  一付二樓的鑰匙 去中華電信幫他們上課      真是  夠了     

幸好 我一向不太備課    

天啊   我真的是 可以 在智障一點 

 這個月 第四次沒帶鑰匙     前幾次 家裡都還有人在         

luckily I was teaching on the 2nd floor , so at least I got somewhere cool to sit in ...    however , I was having a class at Chung Hwa Telecom tonight , 

so I called the school to ask them to cancel the class for me ... as I had no money with me or any text books ...  

the school manager said that she would lend me some money for the taxi , so I took a taxi to stop by at the school first to get  NT200 , they were going to give me NT 500 , but I said no ) 

Thank God that I don't usually need to prepare for my classes ... with 7 year of teaching experience ...  I was able to manage this unexpected situation ... 

Please ...somebody ...just hit me ...  Can I be more idiotic ?? 

    創作者 Tanya 的頭像

    Tanya & Hua Loo Loo in Switzerland

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