I don't like my nose .... because it has been having a lot of problems ... it's allergic to many things .... polluted air , dust mites .. dogs and cats fur/hair ... and even to cold air ... have been sneezing a lot and blowing my nose ...
I think I have caught a cold as well...
鼻子 過敏 塵螨 空氣污染 狗貓毛 冷空氣 都讓我一直打噴嚏 加上 狂流鼻水 快瘋了 大概也感冒了
plus ..have been lack of sleep , with very poor sleep quality
No ... I am not feeling well .............. I am feeling under the weather
又 睡眠不足 睡眠品質不好 我快瘋了 ............................................................................................
I need a new nose .... and exercise regularily again .
我需要一個新的鼻子 還有重新開始定期運動 ....................................
I need an allergy -free enviroment .......................
最好來各 沒有過敏源的的環境
- Aug 24 Fri 2007 14:44
~ under the weather