Guess ... I am just having too much time on my hand these days ....
so here are the party plans for my dear friends .... something for everyone to look forward to ... ha ha ha
我猜 我大概是 最近又太閒了點 於是 以下是幫我的親愛好朋友們安排的派對活動 讓大家每個月有可以期待的東西 哈哈哈哈哈
party at S + J 's new home in October ...
10 月份 到 S 跟 J的家 開party
主題 ..........喝到濫醉
theme of the party - just get really drunk , wasted .... ha ha ...
Thanksgiving party at Alex and Jo 's new home in November ....
11月份 到Alex 跟 Jo 心家 開 感恩節party
主題 - 雞雞 大餐 每個人要帶一份 雞料理 ..炸雞 鹹水雞.............................等等
theme of the party - in order to celebrate Thanksgiving , of course , we need turkey ,
but since turkey is not really everyone's favorite ... so we could have a " chicken night " - each guest must bring over a chicken dish ... fried chicken , salty boiled chicken .....
我絕得 這個主意不錯啊 結果 主人Jo 說 很噁心 這種趴 誰想參加 .................
I do think this is a brilliant idea ... but Jo thinks it's a disgusting idea .................. says no one would want to come to this party ...
那 看 小希你們要不考慮用一下這個 當作我們耶誕節主題
還是 叫會長 扮火雞 也是可以的
okay ... then , Sylvia and Joan , would you like to take my idea for your XMAS party then ?? or we could have Nancy to dress up as a turkey ... that will do too ... ha ha
Xmas party back to S + J's house in December ....
耶誕趴 12 月份 又回到 S 跟 J 家 開
主題 - 還沒想到
theme of the party - still working on it ....
- Oct 06 Sat 2007 00:33
~ Let's GO PARTY